On 5/12/06, Roland Kaeser <roli8200@yahoo.de> wrote:
>The only major issues that I'm aware of are coping and pasting OLE embedded
>objects. That should be taken care of when Rob is finished his COM work.

>IMO 633, 2382 and 5061 are not really copy and paste bugs. They are caused
>by problems translating from windows data formats to linux data formats and
>vice versa.

As far as I know, all "complex" objects in the windows clipboard, such as formatted text, images etc. is stored as rtf-object.
BTW: There is also a bug #3611 which was marked as dublicate of #633 but its not the exact reason.

I recognized that the copy and paste bug #3611 works on some systems. I may have to do with some X11 library/KDE Lib versions. etc.  Is there a kind of WINEDEBUG option to track what happens when copy/paste in application?
