Games compatibility list ============================= Date: 20030607 Total games tested: 17 Games installed: 13/17 Games playable: 8/17 Games tested with ============================= o Clean fake windows. (a for every game) o Winedefault.reg registry. o The games are spanish versions. o Tested only the fastest way to get in gameplay. (Do not buggy me if the second level, or the "league" option, or the configure menu don't work ;) Games ============================= Rogue Squadron. [20030605] * Status: Unplayable. Problems: Completely broken sound, intro very slow, and stops in selecting player screen. Grim Fandago. [20030605] Status: Playable. Problems: No sound during intro. Superbikes demo. [20030605] Status: Playable Problems: No transparent background in some textures. Gta3. [20030605] Status: Unplayable. Problems: Unable to install. (Unhandled exception) (Better with stdole*, but anyway no install) Swat3. [20030605] Status: Unplayable. Problems: Unable to install. (fixme:winmm:MMDRV_Exit Closing while ll-driver open) Railroad Tycoon 2. [20030605] Status: Playable. Problems: For install, you need "cd" to cdrom directory. Need a patched EXE, the original is protected. The mouse's pointer disappears sometimes, you need move to the bottom of the screen to see it again. NBA Live98. [20030605] Status: Playable. Problems: None. DeusEx. [20030605] Status: Playable. Problems: None. Only in software mode? Resident Evil 2. [20030605] Status: Unplayable. Problems: Need unmanaged in install. Stops during intro with "error. Opendriver" Fifa 99. [20030605] Status: Playable. Problems: None. You need "cd" to cdrom directory. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. [20030605] Status: Unplayable. Problems: Worked the 2 first times (but with mouse/keyboard problems) the next times what ran the game, it didn't start giving the error: Unhandled exception: divide by zero in 32-bit code... (Only software mode?) 7th Legion. [20030605] * Status: Playable Problems: None. Max Payne. [20030605] * Status: Unplayable Problems: Not install. It says, install module does not found. The Sims. [20030605] Status: Unplayable Problems: Does not start to install. Fallout. [20030605] Status: Playable Problems: None. Civilization Call to Power. [20030605] Status: Unplayable Problems: Click "Play", and it says "profile.txt not found in asset tree". "Unable to init the ProfileDB". Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2. [20030605] Status: Unplayable Problems: Need unmanaged to install. (Exception with managed) Stop when you run the game with saying: "Debugger detected, please remove the debugger, and try again".