On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Pit Demmer <
Pit@lets.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> I´m a 47 year old German - programming BASIC, Assembler and sometime pure C since 1981. Please! NO discussion´s about my love - the VB and Power BASIC's... ;-)
> My newest project (It´s called LetsLOCO), is a "MultiIO-LongDistance-BusSystem for Logging and Controlling" over an electrical- and protocol-extended I2C-Bus which can adress standard I2C compatible IC´s, too. The fully Project is not only Software! I´ve made many HardWare, too.
> I want to make this Project free. Hardware fully free under a license similar to a GPL. The Software should be at first Freeware, but only for running under WINE! If somebody plan to use the Software outside WINE... I want some little money for it.
> And here is the problem... I need a function, which exist in the WINE-API but not in the Original Win-API´s.
> Can anyone from the WINE-Developers help me? Exist a little ‘dummy’-function in user32.dll, kernel32.dll, shell32.dll,... which have no similar function in the original Win-DLL´s? Any other 'safe' way to verify that my EXEs and DLLs running through WINE is welcome, too.
> Thanks! And sorry for my English!
> Pit
Try ntdll.wine_get_version()