diff --git a/dlls/mshtml/protocol.c b/dlls/mshtml/protocol.c
index e9aa3d5b5a..fcbee330ef 100644
--- a/dlls/mshtml/protocol.c
+++ b/dlls/mshtml/protocol.c
@@ -540,6 +540,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ResProtocol_Start(IInternetProtocol *iface, LPCWSTR szUrl,
InternetProtocol *This = impl_from_IInternetProtocol(iface);
WCHAR *url_dll, *url_file, *url, *mime, *res_type = (LPWSTR)RT_HTML, *ptr;
+ BOOL restype_defaulted = FALSE;
DWORD grfBINDF = 0, len;
BINDINFO bindinfo;
@@ -594,6 +595,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ResProtocol_Start(IInternetProtocol *iface, LPCWSTR szUrl,
}else {
url_file = res_type;
res_type = (LPWSTR)RT_HTML;
+ restype_defaulted = TRUE;
/* Ignore query and hash parts. */
@@ -613,16 +615,24 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ResProtocol_Start(IInternetProtocol *iface, LPCWSTR szUrl,
TRACE("trying to find resource type %s, name %s\n", debugstr_w(res_type), debugstr_w(url_file));
src = FindResourceW(hdll, url_file, res_type);
- if(!src && res_type_id != MAXDWORD)
- src = FindResourceW(hdll, url_file, (LPCWSTR)res_type_id);
+ if(!src) {
+ if(restype_defaulted)
+ src = FindResourceW(hdll, url_file, (LPCWSTR)RT_FILE);
+ else if(res_type_id != MAXDWORD)
+ src = FindResourceW(hdll, url_file, (LPCWSTR)res_type_id);
+ }
if(!src) {
LPWSTR endpoint = NULL;
DWORD file_id = wcstol(url_file, &endpoint, 10);
if(endpoint == url_file+lstrlenW(url_file)) {
src = FindResourceW(hdll, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(file_id), res_type);
- if(!src && res_type_id != MAXDWORD)
- src = FindResourceW(hdll, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(file_id), (LPCWSTR)res_type_id);
+ if(!src) {
+ if(restype_defaulted)
+ src = FindResourceW(hdll, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(file_id), (LPCWSTR)RT_FILE);
+ else if (res_type_id != MAXDWORD)
+ src = FindResourceW(hdll, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(file_id), (LPCWSTR)res_type_id);
+ }
diff --git a/dlls/mshtml/tests/protocol.c b/dlls/mshtml/tests/protocol.c
index 75063f5ecf..66382507f2 100644
--- a/dlls/mshtml/tests/protocol.c
+++ b/dlls/mshtml/tests/protocol.c
@@ -262,6 +262,44 @@ static void protocol_start(IInternetProtocol *protocol, const WCHAR *url)
+static void test_res_url_fail(const char *url_suffix, HRESULT expected_hres,
+ BOOL expect_win32err)
+ IInternetProtocol *protocol;
+ HRESULT hres;
+ memcpy(url, res_url_base, res_url_base_len*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, url_suffix, -1, url+res_url_base_len, ARRAY_SIZE(url)-res_url_base_len);
+ hres = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ResProtocol, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IInternetProtocol, (void**)&protocol);
+ ok(hres == S_OK, "Could not create ResProtocol instance: %08x\n", hres);
+ SET_EXPECT(GetBindInfo);
+ SET_EXPECT(ReportResult);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(expected_hres)) {
+ SET_EXPECT(ReportProgress);
+ SET_EXPECT(ReportData);
+ }
+ expect_hrResult = expected_hres;
+ expect_hr_win32err = expect_win32err;
+ hres = IInternetProtocol_Start(protocol, url, &protocol_sink, &bind_info, 0, 0);
+ if (expect_win32err)
+ ok((hres&0xffff0000) == ((FACILITY_WIN32 << 16)|0x80000000) || hres == expected_hres,
+ "%s: expected win32 err or %08x got: %08x\n", url_suffix, expected_hres, hres);
+ else
+ ok(hres == expected_hres, "%s: expected: %08x got: %08x\n", url_suffix, expected_hres, hres);
+ CHECK_CALLED(GetBindInfo);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(expected_hres)) {
+ CHECK_CALLED(ReportProgress);
+ CHECK_CALLED(ReportData);
+ }
+ CHECK_CALLED(ReportResult);
+ IInternetProtocol_Release(protocol);
static void test_res_url(const char *url_suffix)
@@ -604,6 +642,17 @@ static void test_res_protocol(void)
+ test_res_url("/jstest-rtfile.html");
+ test_res_url("/#2110/jstest-rtfile.html");
+ test_res_url("/2110/jstest-rtfile.html");
+ /* won't fall back to RT_FILE from: */
+ /* - invalid string resource type: */
+ test_res_url_fail("/doesntexist/jstest-rtfile.html", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND), TRUE);
+ /* - other numeric resource types (eg. 2 = RT_BITMAP): */
+ test_res_url_fail("/2/jstest-rtfile.html", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND), TRUE);
+ /* - even from 23 = RT_HTML: */
+ test_res_url_fail("/23/jstest-rtfile.html", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND), TRUE);
diff --git a/dlls/mshtml/tests/rsrc.rc b/dlls/mshtml/tests/rsrc.rc
index 05bc836ac6..12e95b7456 100644
--- a/dlls/mshtml/tests/rsrc.rc
+++ b/dlls/mshtml/tests/rsrc.rc
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ asyncscriptload.js HTML "asyncscriptload.js"
/* @makedep: jstest.html */
jstest.html HTML "jstest.html"
+/* @makedep: jstest.html */
+jstest-rtfile.html 2110 "jstest.html"
/* @makedep: vbtest.html */
vbtest.html HTML "vbtest.html"