You can ignore this patch, I will resend it as a series with just what is dependant on it.
Sorry about sending such a such a large series of patches before (44 of them)
that seemed to be dependant on each other. They actually didn't contain many
dependencies on each other. I'll try to make the dependancies clearer next time.
To test the bug, open up Wine's wordpad (try with native and builtin
riched20), then enter a line of text that ends with enough trailing
spaces to go past the end of the richedit control. In native richedit
controls the cursor is prevented from going past end of the richedit
control so that it stays visisble while still being moved over the
spaces that continue off the end of the view. This patch makes sure
Wine's builtin richedit controls do the same thing as Windows.
The above steps will also show another bug that I have just submitted a
patch for, with a subject "richedit: Spaces at the end of a line should
not affect alignment shift length".
For this patch will depends on a previous patch I submitted on June 17th
in order to apply cleanly. The email for the patch had a subject
"[38/44] richedit: Hide cursor when text is selected".
dlls/riched20/caret.c | 4 ++++
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)