Hello Vincent,

I don't believe anyone is working on winscard.dll at this time. You are more then
welcome to work on it or any other part of Wine.

A couple years back their was a discussion about winscard.dll so you might
want to search through the wine-dev mailing list. Maybe those old discussions
can be of some help.

Just some tips,

Make sure you use the same coding style that's already used.
Send as many test as you can.
Keep your patches small and clean.
Send patches here for review and to wine-patches for inclusion.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Wine!


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 4:49 PM, viny <vincent.hardy.be@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

Is anyone working on winscard.dll ?

If not, may I propose patches ?

I would like to have a working winscard.dll in wine.


Wine is not a conclusion but a process...