> Hello All,
> We have run into an interesting problem while trying to get the latest
> version of Stanford's Folding at Home GPU client to work in Linux via WINE.
> The programs says it does not detect a compatible GPU. Even when the user
> has installed the correct Nvidia drivers (with CUDA support) and has a
> compatible GPU. The problem I believe lies in the fact that the program is
> not told that there is a Nvidia 8800 installed, instead by the nature of
> WINE it see that "WINE" is the graphics card, as WINE first translate the
> direct3d calls into opengl calls that are then passed on to the GPU. So the
> question is, is it possible to trick programs into believing they are
> running on the right hardware? (As in fact they are).
> I remember a while ago the steam system spec survey was used to see how many
> people run steam via WINE. This was done by noting the graphics driver
> installed and how the wine one appeared when running WINE. Well this is fine
> but what we need is a way to make the program to see that it is actually
> running on Nvidia hardware. Because if the client would just start then the
> direct3d calls can be translated into opengl calls and the Nvidia linux
> drivers can then handle them and run it all fine and dandy.
> Here is the post, with error message about wrong graphics card detected,
> http://www.ocforums.com/showpost.php?p=5698997&postcount=19 .

I think you would have to create wrapper dll's that pass the function calls along to libcudart.so.2.0

The following libraries are in the CUDA download for linux.

I am unsure if you would need to modify more but I am pretty sure that running the windows veersions of those dlls directly o wine is nto what you want.