Hey All,
     I have updated Darwine binary to version 1.06 and it is being released as a Developer Preview.  It does not yet support the running of x86 exe's, however we are begging to work on this feature.  The binary should be downloaded from either the home page link here http://darwine.sourceforge.net/download.php or the projects file release page here http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=69890  to insure that the latest version is being used. 
     The binary requires Mac OS X 10.3 or higher and for the X11 SDK to be installed.  The new installer checks for these before installs, fixes a numerous amount of bugs, including installation of default configuration that were present with the first release and now includes the wine headers.
     The darwine team is begging to test out libwine on the OS X platform.  One error that comes up during compile is the "checking for wrc... /usr/local/bin/wrc
checking for atldef.h header... configure: error: Could not find the ATL includes".  I found a ATL version 2.0 from microsoft's website and downloaded these.  However, it does not contain atldef.h.  Though it does contain altbase.h, altcom.h, atlconv.h to name a few.  I read that the ATL includes are part of MFC is this correct? How would one go about finding the source and compiling these headers using the ppc native - libwine, so that the altdef.h headers can be used?


~Sanjay Connare