Hello Yash,It seems your E-Mail got stuck in moderation until yesterday, I've only seen it today - That's most likely because you are not subscribed to the mailing list. Unfortunately you did not post it on summerofcode.withgoogle.com, and we can not accept it without the proposal being there :-( . Posting proposals for public discussion on the mailing list is highly encouraged, but not the official GSoC place. I'll send you another E-Mail over the weekend to comment on the merits of the proposal so you have at least some feedback should you choose to apply for GSoC in the future.Best regards,StefanAm 26.03.2018 um 08:02 schrieb Yash Yadav <yashdimpu@gmail.com>:Hi,
I am Yash Yadav and this is my first proposal for the GSoC idea "Winetest Scripting Interface".
Please excuse the delay and me doing this near the deadline.Winetest Scripting Interface
Wine(Wine is not an emulator)depends on multiple different third party projects which are mostly drivers or low- level system programs that allow wine to convert and forward windows calls into POSIX-compliant environment.Example supporter projects : openal-soft, gecko, mesa, etc. Having dependency on multiplethird party projects naturally brings in the trouble of keeping track of what the other projects are doing. To make things easier, wine has testsuite that could be run by the third party developers (graphics drivers devs for example) to catch problems their own tests do not see. The problem is that withexisting testsuite, the “success” or “failreports are not specific enough to count on, as they only report ures ” on completion/termination. This leavesdevelopers to debug by manually going through the output of the tests in terminal, which is not really feasible as ignorable failure reports would be crowding all the output. Why This Project
Being an avid user of wine(Mostly for games though) fromthe day I shifted to linux, I ’ve always wanted to contribute to the project since wine has space for infinite contribution until it reaches the state where everything of windows would run on a non microsoft kernel. Thanks to GSoC and a project I love, I can go up there taking baby steps from now. This project has a good scopeof improving wine development process by helping other projects that wine runs on. For a beginner contributor like me, this seems to be a better start at getting familiar with wine codebase compared to just jumping into the core. Project Goals
The project revolves arounddevelopment of script(s) that enhance the functionality of the existing wine testsuite. The idea is to write a scriptthat runs wine tests keeps atrack of reports of tests over different patches and filter out new failures compared to previous reports. The script(s) would bewritten with non-wine developers in mind. Designed to be run by the developers of other projects that wine depends on.
The script(s) would :1. Report more sensibleinformation than just “Failure” or “reporting Success” or leaving thetesters with lines and lines (Thisof test results that they should be ignoring. could be done by backtracking a little from the failure point.) 2. Filter out the newfailures only that show upwith new code changes .3. Know what all errors areignorable and need not crowd up the reports. 4. Allow running testsspecific to the section. (Sound testing wont run graphics tests) Implementation
Target is to write the scriptin python 3 since I’m more go with Bash shell.fluent in python as compared to other scripting languages. If python is not allowed, I’ ll If database is used at alater point, I’m planning to sqllite3 or Pandasgo with python library if csv(comma separated values) is considered.
The project implementation isexpressed in the Timelinesection. Timeline
Pre GSoC : Community Bonding |
April 24 - May 13 Get acquainted with the codebase of wine and the test suite. Also, discuss with the team of what exactly needs to be done and who all can be helpful besides the mentor. Week 1 | May 14 - May 20
Understand the relevant partsof the testbot.winehq.org code base and try to figure out how the existing structure works on windows. Try out the testsuite. Week 2 | May 21 - May27
Try out the existingtestsuite for different versions of the supporting projects(the ones that wine depends on) and record patterns in the output from the testsuite. Design the workflow for the script(s). Essentially figuring out to the minute details, i.e. the dataset and the information that’s important from the test reports. Week 3 - 4 | May 28 - June 10
Code the initial version ofthe script that would run the that is calle“make install” in selected directories depending upon the type of test d in for. Then add support to catch data from the output of the individual tests. Week 5 | June 11 - June 15
Phase 1 evaluation.Week 5 - 8 | June 16 - July 8
Extend script to filter outthe raw data from the reports to gather important information, (the points relative to the failure). This may require backtracking from a failure point or just the failure report for the particular test thats running. (This is to be decided after running the tests manually and understanding the patterns , week 2 work ).Result out useful data fromthe test reports. Also, add a script to check if the report is new or is repeated. This would require use of database or csv(comma separated values) unless suggested otherwise.Week 9 | July 9 - July 13
Phase 2 evaluation.Week 9 - 11 | July 14 - July
29 Filter out the edge cases andtest the script itself for or working.undesired output Work on the back-end ( wise/ppreferably the database that would store the results). Add another script to obtain the data as required. (Date atchset /commit wise). See ifit’s possible to integrate timeline.the data fetching script into the testbot website to display the reports Week 12 - 13 | July 30 -
August 14 Fix bugs, clean the code.Write documentation for the script(s). Final evaluation.
The script(s) would* Keep the test reports underversion control system( preferably GIT). The way new failures or bugfixes can be catched. * Only show the relevant datato the failure if a testcase fails. (May require backtracking from the failure point). * The data relevant to thefailure would also help in keeping track of previous failures and keeping a timeline of tests. About Me
Name : Yash YadavTelephone : +91 - 810-427-1666Github : https://github.com/OhYash Telegram : @OhYashIRC : ohyash on freenode IRCCountry of Residence : IndiaTimezone : UTC + 05:30
I am an undergraduate studentin my 3 rd year of Bachelorsin technology in Lovely Professional University, in Punjab, India. My language of choice is Cbut I frequently choose between python and C depending upon the type task I do. I have been using git for the past one year.
My semester would end on 21stMay and yes, I would be having exams within that period. I would have some placement preparatory classes in June, but If I am selected, I would be able to give about 5-6 hours everyday in weekdays and more(8-10) on weekends.