Here is an update using precompiled binaries from 12/28/02.  Not that dsound test complains msvcrtd.dll is missing on my system, and so has not been tested.  I think this covers everything else missing or different from what is shown on the status page.

C:\winetests>gdi32_test.exe generated

generated: 2786 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>kernel32_test.exe generated

generated: 609 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.



C:\winetests>kernel32_test.exe generated

generated: 609 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>kernel32_test.exe locale

locale.c:154: Test failed: GetTimeFormat got '' instead of '4'

locale.c:155: Test failed: GetTimeFormat: got 1 instead of 2

locale.c:181: Test failed: GetTimeFormat got '8.@:56AM' instead of '8.@:56.@:AM'


locale.c:182: Test failed: GetTimeFormat: got 9 instead of 12

locale.c:190: Test failed: GetTimeFormat got '' instead of '3'

locale.c:191: Test failed: GetTimeFormat: got 1 instead of 2

locale.c:474: Test failed: GetDateFormat got '5/4/2002' instead of '5/4/02'

locale.c:475: Test failed: GetDateFormat: got 9 instead of 7

locale.c:499: Test failed: GetDateFormat check DATE_YEARMONTH with null format expected ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS got return of '10' and error of '0'

locale: 109 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 9 failures.


C:\winetests>kernel32_test.exe path

path.c:514: Test failed: GetLongPathNameA: wrong return code, 97 instead of 42





path: 1730 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 1 failure.


C:\winetests>kernel32_test.exe process

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

process.c:378: Test failed: StartupInfoA:lpTitle expected kernel32_test.exe process, got C:\winetests\kernel32_test.exe

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.process.c:530: Test failed: StartupInfoA:lpTitle expected kernel32_test.exe process, got C:\winetests\kernel32_test.exe

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

tests/process.c: 1 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.

process: 116 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 2 failures.


C:\winetests>msvcrt_test.exe file

file: 2 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>msvcrt_test.exe scanf

scanf: 8 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>ntdll_test.exe error

error: 813 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>ntdll_test.exe generated

generated: 1279 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>ntdll_test.exe rtlbitmap

rtlbitmap: 201 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>ntdll_test.exe rtlstr

rtlstr: 38 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>oleaut32_test.exe safearray

safearray: 348 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>oleaut32_test.exe vartest



======== Testing VarUI1FromXXX ========

vartest.c:1713:VarUI1FromI2: passing in NULL as return val makes it crash, needto write proper test.



======== Testing VarUI2FromXXX ========

vartest.c:1802:VarUI2FromI2: passing in NULL as return val makes it crash, needs to be fixed.



======== Testing VarUI4FromXXX ========

vartest.c:1876:VarUI4FromI2: passing in NULL as return val makes it crash, implement me.



======== Testing VarI1FromXXX ========



======== Testing VarI2FromXXX ========



======== Testing VarI4FromXXX ========



======== Testing VarR4FromXXX ========



======== Testing VarR8FromXXX ========



======== Testing VarDateFromXXX ========

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([7]="0.49") got 0.0340278 instead of 0.034028

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([8]="0.5") got 0.00347222 instead of 0.003472

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([9]="0.51") got 0.0354167 instead of 0.035417

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([34]=" 1 2 ") got 37258 instead of 35797

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([39]="1.2.3") got 0.0430903 insteadof 0.04309

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([69]="      1999/   11/21 11 :11:11am") got 36485.5 instead of 36485.5

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([70]="11/11/1999 11:11:11Am") got 36475.5 instead of 36475.5

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([71]="11/11/1999 11:11:11PM") got 36476 instead of 36476

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([73]="11/11/1999 0:0:11am") got 36475 instead of 36475

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([75]="11/11/1999 11:11:11am") got 36475.5 instead of 36475.5

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([77]="11/11/1999 11:11AM") got 36475.5 instead of 36475.5

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([78]="11/11/1999 1AM") got 36475 instead of 36475

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([80]="11/11/1999 11:11:11") got 36475.5 instead of 36475.5

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([89]="1 January 1999 11AM") got 36161.5 instead of 36161.5

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([90]="4AM 11/11/1999") got 36475.2 instead of 36475.2

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([109]="1.5") got 0.0451389 instead of 0.045139

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([110]="2.5") got 0.0868056 instead of 0.086806

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([111]="3.5") got 0.128472 instead of 0.128472

vartest.c:2208: Test failed: VarDateFromStr([112]="4.5") got 0.170139 instead of 0.170139



======== Testing VarBoolFromXXX ========



======== Testing VarBSTRFromXXX ========

vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 7.65432e+015, should be cvt. to 7.65432198765432e+15, but return val is "7.65432198765432E+15"

vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -7.65432e+015, should be cvt. to -7.65432198765432e+15, but return val is "-7.65432198765432E+15"

vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 8.76543e+016, should be cvt. to 8.76543219876543e+16, but return val is "8.76543219876543E+16"

vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -8.76543e+016, should be cvt. to -8.76543219876543e+16, but return val is "-8.76543219876543E+16"

vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 9.87654e+017, should be cvt. to 9.87654321987654e+17, but return val is "9.87654321987654E+17"

vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -9.87654e+017, should be cvt. to -9.87654321987654e+17, but return val is "-9.87654321987654E+17"

vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 1.98765e+018, should be cvt. to 1.98765432198765e+18, but return val is "1.98765432198765E+18"

vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -1.98765e+018, should be cvt. to -1.98765432198765e+18, but return val is "-1.98765432198765E+18"

vartest.c:2308: Test failed: d is 2.19877e+019, should be cvt. to 2.19876543219877e+19, but return val is "2.19876543219877E+19"

vartest.c:2315: Test failed: d is -2.19877e+019, should be cvt. to -2.19876543219877e+19, but return val is "-2.19876543219877E+19"

vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 7.65432e+015, should be cvt. to 7.65432198765432e+15, but return val is "7.65432198765432E+15"

vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -7.65432e+015, should be cvt. to -7.65432198765432e+15, but return val is "-7.65432198765432E+15"

vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 8.76543e+016, should be cvt. to 8.76543219876543e+16, but return val is "8.76543219876543E+16"

vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -8.76543e+016, should be cvt. to -8.76543219876543e+16, but return val is "-8.76543219876543E+16"

vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 9.87654e+017, should be cvt. to 9.87654321987654e+17, but return val is "9.87654321987654E+17"

vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -9.87654e+017, should be cvt. to -9.87654321987654e+17, but return val is "-9.87654321987654E+17"

vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 1.98765e+018, should be cvt. to 1.98765432198765e+18, but return val is "1.98765432198765E+18"

vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -1.98765e+018, should be cvt. to -1.98765432198765e+18, but return val is "-1.98765432198765E+18"

vartest.c:2359: Test failed: d is 2.19877e+019, should be cvt. to 2.19876543219877e+19, but return val is "2.19876543219877E+19"

vartest.c:2365: Test failed: d is -2.19877e+019, should be cvt. to -2.19876543219877e+19, but return val is "-2.19876543219877E+19"

vartest.c:2382: Test failed: d is 8.76543e+007, should be cvt. to 8.765432e+07,but return val is "8.765432E+07"

vartest.c:2388: Test failed: d is -8.76543e+007, should be cvt. to -8.765432e+07, but return val is "-8.765432E+07"

vartest.c:2382: Test failed: d is 9.87654e+008, should be cvt. to 9.876543e+08,but return val is "9.876543E+08"

vartest.c:2388: Test failed: d is -9.87654e+008, should be cvt. to -9.876543e+08, but return val is "-9.876543E+08"

vartest.c:2382: Test failed: d is 1.98765e+009, should be cvt. to 1.987654e+09,but return val is "1.987654E+09"

vartest.c:2388: Test failed: d is -1.98765e+009, should be cvt. to -1.987654e+09, but return val is "-1.987654E+09"

vartest.c:2408: Test failed: d is 0.2345, should be cvt. to 0.2345001, but return val is "0.2345"

vartest.c:2432: Test failed: d is 654322, should be cvt. to 654322.2, but return val is "654322.3"

vartest.c:2438: Test failed: d is -654322, should be cvt. to -654322.2, but return val is "-654322.3"

vartest.c:2432: Test failed: d is 8.76543e+007, should be cvt. to 8.765432e+07,but return val is "8.765432E+07"

vartest.c:2438: Test failed: d is -8.76543e+007, should be cvt. to -8.765432e+07, but return val is "-8.765432E+07"

vartest.c:2432: Test failed: d is 9.87654e+008, should be cvt. to 9.876543e+08,but return val is "9.876543E+08"

vartest.c:2438: Test failed: d is -9.87654e+008, should be cvt. to -9.876543e+08, but return val is "-9.876543E+08"

vartest.c:2432: Test failed: d is 1.98765e+009, should be cvt. to 1.987654e+09,but return val is "1.987654E+09"

vartest.c:2438: Test failed: d is -1.98765e+009, should be cvt. to -1.987654e+09, but return val is "-1.987654E+09"



======== Testing Hi-Level Variant API ========

vartest.c:2560: Test failed: should be 5/11/94 7:58:42 AM

vartest.c:2578:-------------- Testing different VARTYPES ----------------

vartest: 2281 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 55 failures.


C:\winetests>shell32_test.exe generated

generated: 272 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>shlwapi_test.exe clist

clist: 236 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>shlwapi_test.exe generated

generated: 19 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>urlmon_test.exe generated

generated: 4 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>user32_test.exe generated

generated: 1524 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>user32_test.exe win

win.c:132:main window 001F00FC main2 001E0104 desktop 0001000C child 001E0108

win.c:148:created child 001C00BA

win.c:161:created child of desktop 001D00BA

win.c:171:created child of child 001E00BA

win.c:181:created top-level 001F00BA

win.c:191:created owned top-level 002000BA

win.c:201:created popup 002100BA

win.c:211:created owned popup 002200BA

win.c:221:created top-level owned by child 002300BA

win.c:227:created popup owned by desktop 002400BA

win.c:233:created popup owned by child 002500BA

win.c:239:created WS_CHILD popup 002600BA

win.c:245:created owned WS_CHILD popup 002700BA

win.c:250:testing parent changes

win.c:262:created child 002800BA

win.c:288:created top-level 002900BA

win.c:305:created popup 002A00BA

win.c:322:created child 002B00BA

win.c:339:created top-level 002C00BA

win.c:348:created owned popup 002D00BA

win.c:364:created owner 002E00BA and popup 001D011A

win.c:378:created owner 001E011A and popup 002F00BA

win.c:386:created owner 001F011A and popup 003000BA

win: 428 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>user32_test.exe sysparams

sysparams.c:184:testing SPI_{GET,SET}BEEP

sysparams.c:306:testing SPI_{GET,SET}MOUSE

sysparams.c:374:testing SPI_{GET,SET}BORDER

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=BorderWidth, testValue=1, value=

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=BorderWidth, testValue=0, value=

sysparams.c:139: Test failed: Missed a message: change_counter=2

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=BorderWidth, testValue=7, value=

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=BorderWidth, testValue=20, value=

sysparams.c:406:testing SPI_{GET,SET}KEYBOARDSPEED

sysparams.c:139: Test failed: Missed a message: change_counter=2

sysparams.c:440:testing SPI_ICONHORIZONTALSPACING

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=IconSpacing, testValue=101, value=

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=IconSpacing, testValue=32, value=

sysparams.c:480:testing SPI_{GET,SET}SCREENSAVETIMEOUT

sysparams.c:515:testing SPI_{GET,SET}SCREENSAVEACTIVE

sysparams.c:555:testing SPI_{GET,SET}KEYBOARDDELAY

sysparams.c:590:testing SPI_ICONVERTICALSPACING

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=IconVerticalSpacing, testValue=101, value=

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=IconVerticalSpacing, testValue=32, value=

sysparams.c:635:testing SPI_{GET,SET}ICONTITLEWRAP

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=IconTitleWrap, testValue=1, value=

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=IconTitleWrap, testValue=0, value=

sysparams.c:670:testing SPI_{GET,SET}MENUDROPALIGNMENT

sysparams.c:707:testing SPI_SETDOUBLECLKWIDTH

sysparams.c:738:testing SPI_SETDOUBLECLKHEIGHT

sysparams.c:770:testing SPI_SETDOUBLECLICKTIME

sysparams.c:817:testing SPI_SETMOUSEBUTTONSWAP

sysparams.c:880:testing SPI_{GET,SET}DRAGFULLWINDOWS

sysparams.c:915:testing SPI_{GET,SET}WORKAREA

sysparams.c:953:testing SPI_{GET,SET}SHOWSOUNDS

sysparams.c:997:testing SPI_{GET,SET}DESKWALLPAPER

sysparams.c:170: Test failed: Wrong value in registry: subKey=Control Panel\Desktop, valName=Wallpaper, testValue=, value=(None)

sysparams: 318 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 13 failures.


C:\winetests>wininet_test.exe generated

generated: 252 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.


C:\winetests>wininet_test.exe http

<Ouput snipped>

http: 24 tests executed, 0 marked as todo, 0 failures.