> Did you try this on WindowsXP or Windows7 to make sure that the
win_skip did not function on those platforms? My understanding is
that win_skip works on all Windows platforms not just WindowsNT or
Well, I did test that skip doesn't happen on my home computer, which is Windows 7. I also tested that the skip do happen on Windows NT4 and 2000 on Testbot.
>Also, it is custom to mark your resubmissions with corrections as
[try x]. Makes it easier to determine what you are doing.
I posted my patches to patches mailing list only once so far, so there hasn't been any retries yet.
But, I shall add that tag if/when I need to adjust those or any future patches.
If I need to make changes to, say, test cases, should I also send bug fix patch again even if there is no changes to that?
Best Regards,