While running your changed tests, I think I found new failures. Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be wrong, but could you please double-check?
Full results can be found at: https://testbot.winehq.org/JobDetails.pl?Key=55568
Your paranoid android.
=== wvistau64_zh_CN (32 bit report) ===
ddraw: ddraw1.c:2801: Test failed: Expected message 0x46, but didn't receive it. ddraw1.c:2803: Test failed: Expected screen size 1024x768, got 0x0. ddraw1.c:2809: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:2839: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:2846: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:2872: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:2895: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:2924: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:2950: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:2970: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:3006: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:3016: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:3042: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:3065: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:3087: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:3113: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:3133: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745). ddraw1.c:3170: Test failed: Expected (0,0)-(1024,768), got (-8,-8)-(1032,745).
=== wvistau64_fr (32 bit report) ===
ddraw: ddraw1: Timeout
=== wvistau64_fr (task log) ===
Task errors: An error occurred while waiting for the test to complete: network read timed out (wait2/connect:AgentVersion.h:0/9) The test VM has crashed, rebooted or lost connectivity (or the TestAgent server died) The previous 2 run(s) terminated abnormally
=== wvistau64_he (32 bit report) ===
ddraw: ddraw1: Timeout
=== wvistau64_he (task log) ===
Task errors: An error occurred while waiting for the test to complete: network read timed out (wait2/connect:AgentVersion.h:0/9) The test VM has crashed, rebooted or lost connectivity (or the TestAgent server died) The previous 2 run(s) terminated abnormally
=== w8 (32 bit report) ===
ddraw: ddraw1.c:11039: Test failed: Got unexpected color 0x00ffffff.
=== debian10 (32 bit report) ===
ddraw: ddraw1: Timeout ddraw2: Timeout ddraw4: Timeout ddraw7: Timeout ddrawmodes: Timeout dsurface: Timeout
=== debian10 (build log) ===
Task errors: The task timed out
=== debian10 (32 bit WoW report) ===
ddraw: ddraw1: Timeout ddraw2: Timeout ddraw4: Timeout ddraw7: Timeout ddrawmodes: Timeout
=== debian10 (build log) ===
Task errors: The task timed out
I sent this patch back in August but it seemed to disappear with no comments or feedback, therefore I am re-submitting it.
While running your changed tests, I think I found new failures. Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be wrong, but could you please double-check?
Full results can be found at: https://testbot.winehq.org/JobDetails.pl?Key=59037
Your paranoid android.
=== wvistau64_fr (task log) ===
Task errors: The previous 1 run(s) terminated abnormally
=== w8 (32 bit report) ===
ddraw: ddraw1.c:11039: Test failed: Got unexpected color 0x00ffffff.
Here are a few comments - Henri may have more comments afterwards, and I haven't run the tests on Windows yet.
- /* Pick data */
- D3DPICKRECORD* pick_records;
Please use "D3DPICKRECORD *pick_records" - the C++ style is misleading when combined with declaring more than one variable in one line.
/* Free pick records array if any are allocated */
I think the comment is redundant, but I don't have strong opinions on this.
if (This->pick_record_count > 0) {
Please use heap_alloc() and heap_free() instead of malloc() and free(). The reason is that malloc() and free() go to the Linux libc library whereas heap_alloc() and heap_free() go through ntdll.dll and Wine's heap manager. [This is only true for libs that haven't been migrated to mingw yet though, but consistency...]
Also, please put the brackets into an extra line, as you did in the tests.
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d_device1_Pick(IDirect3DDevice *iface, IDirect3DExecuteBuffer *buffer, IDirect3DViewport *viewport, DWORD flags, D3DRECT *rect)
- /* Sanity checks */
- if (!iface || !buffer || !viewport) {
- }
iface can't be NULL because the caller needs it to get through the vtable and the method pointer - C++ would call it a virtual function.
Please write a WARN whenever you are returning an error to the application. It may indicate that a problem happened earlier and eases debugging.
- if (FAILED(hr = IDirect3DDevice3_SetCurrentViewport
(&device->IDirect3DDevice3_iface, &viewport_impl->IDirect3DViewport3_iface)))
return hr;
Just for reference, there's no reason to write a WARN here because SetCurrentViewport should do it if it fails.
static HRESULT WINAPI d3d_device1_GetPickRecords(IDirect3DDevice *iface, DWORD *count, D3DPICKRECORD *records) ...
- /* Set count to the number of pick records we have */
- *count = device->pick_record_count;
Here it might make sense to check count != NULL. If that crashes on Windows add a comment that Windows doesn't check it either.
/* If we have a destination array and records to copy, copy them now */
memcpy(records, device->pick_records, sizeof(D3DPICKRECORD) * device->pick_record_count);
sizeof(D3DPICKRECORD) -> sizeof(*device->pick_records). Just in case someone changes the type of pick_records the sizeof will do the right thing.
The other question - to be answered by extending the test - is which count is used here. Should you copy all pick records in the device, or *count pick records, or whichever is smaller, or return an error if *count < device->pick_record_count.
See also my comment where you allocate the record array.
/* We're now done with the old pick records and can free them */
device->pick_record_count = 0;
Please add a test for resetting the stored pick records on GetPickRecords. It might also reset the next time IDirect3DDevice::Pick is called, and calling GetPickRecords twice will return the same records over.
- /* Initialize pick records array */
- device->pick_record_count = 0;
This should be initialized to 0 by heap_alloc() already.
- INT i;
INT -> unsigned int
- for (i=0;i<TRIANGLE_SIZE;i++)
Can an application pick lines or points by emitting a line or point draw inside the execute buffer?
The actual math you're doing is a bit over my head now - I'll have to read up some specs, assuming they exist...
/* None of these opcodes seem to be necessary for picking */
case D3DOP_LINE:
Those might add vertices to the pick list.
And those change the transform matrices, thus moving your vertices around if you are using D3DPROCESSVERTICES_* ops other than _COPY.
case D3DOP_SPAN:
In regular executions those ops affect global device state that persists after the Execute call returns. They might do the same thing in Pick().
Testing this isn't trivial because d3d1 does not have getters for these states. So you'd have to do an actual draw to e.g. see the effect of fog enable / disable after you do a pick() that changes the fog state. I think this is overkill for your patch, so just writing a FIXME seems much better.
if (FAILED(hr = wined3d_resource_map(wined3d_buffer_get_resource(buffer->dst_vertex_buffer),
0, &vert_map_desc, &box, WINED3D_MAP_WRITE))) {
You are reading from the buffer, but not writing so WINED3D_MAP_READ is appropriate.
/* Create new array to fit one more record */
DWORD new_record_count = device->pick_record_count + 1;
D3DPICKRECORD* new_record_array = malloc(sizeof(D3DPICKRECORD) * new_record_count);
if (device->pick_record_count > 0) {
memcpy(new_record_array, device->pick_records, sizeof(D3DPICKRECORD) * device->pick_record_count);
This is inefficient. It'll do O(N) malloc and free calls. You can reduce this to O(log(N)) calls the following way, and at the same time reduce the churn between Pick and GetPickEntries calls:
Keep separate pick_record_count and pick_record_size members in the device, the former one for the number of records currently written to the array, and the second one for the size of the array. When the array content gets reset (after GetPickRecords or at the start of Pick, depending on what the tests say), set pick_record_count to 0, but don't free the array. You can reuse the allocated memory the next time.
When you run out of space, allocate pick_record_size * 2 records (i.e., double the size), or use a different factor. Beware obviously of the special case of pick_records_size = 0. Use heap_realloc instead of alloc + copy + free. heap_realloc will retain existing data, and it will give you the same pointer back if the heap manager can just append more space right behind the already allocated block.
See e.g. ddraw_find_decl() in ddraw.c for code that already does something like this.
ok(record.dvZ > 0.99 && record.dvZ < 1.01, "Got incorrect
dvZ: %f.\n", record.dvZ); There's compare_float() for that.
As for the corner case you mention in the patch description: One tricky bit about d3d before d3d10 is that the pixel origin is in the top left corner, not the pixel center. So adding or subtracting 0.5 may be necessary in some cases.