The Wine development release 10.2 is now available.
What's new in this release: - Bundled vkd3d upgraded to version 1.15. - Support for setting thread priorities. - New Wow64 mode can be enabled dynamically. - More progress on the Bluetooth driver. - Various bug fixes.
The source is available at
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from the respective [download sites][1].
You will find documentation [here][2].
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file [AUTHORS][3] for the complete list.
[1]: [2]: [3]:
### Bugs fixed in 10.2 (total 20):
- #25872 Guild Wars 'test system' doesn't show test results - #39474 MSWT Kart 2004 does not work - #50152 YOU and ME and HER: Game crashes after launching from game launcher - #56260 16-bit Myst deadlocks when entering Book - #56464 vbscript: Join() builtin is not implemented - #56951 psql 16: unrecognized win32 error code: 127 invalid binary: Invalid argument / could not find a "psql.exe" to execute - #57310 wineboot failed to initialize a wine prefix - #57625 Regression: some fullscreen games are displayed incorrectly upon switching from and back to game window - #57787 Final Fantasy XI Online crashes with unhandled page fault on launch - #57793 Wine Wordpad started with blank screen - #57795 cmd lacks support for right-to-left handle redirection (2<&1) - #57803 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice crashes at launch with Xbox One controller connected - #57804 cmd: '@echo off' gets propagated to parent on CALL instruction (CALL seems to freezes) - #57809 cmd: Incorrect substring expansion of last character (e.g. `!MY_STR:~1!`) - #57810 ITextStream::WriteBlankLines() needs to be implemented for libxml2's configure.js to work - #57817 mvscp90 ::std::ifstream::seekg(0) crashes - #57819 Wine unable to start when built with binutils 2.44 - #57824 SetThreadPriority unexpectedly fails on terminated threads instead of no-op - #57834 Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't load with CyberEngine Tweaks - #57847 Cross-compiled Wine no longer installs a 'wine' loader binary
### Changes since 10.1: ``` Adam Markowski (1): po: Update Polish translation.
Aida Jonikienė (1): wined3d: Add DXT format mappings in the Vulkan renderer.
Alex Henrie (6): urlmon/tests: Use wide character string literals. advapi32/tests: Use wide character string literals. setupapi: Use wide character string literals. msxml3: Use wide character string literals. krnl386: Add a WOWCallback16Ex flag to simulate a hardware interrupt. mmsystem: Simulate a hardware interrupt in MMSYSTDRV_Callback3216.
Alexandre Julliard (31): user32: Set last error on failed window enumeration. server: Fix desktop access check for window enumeration. ntdll: Add a helper function to retrieve the .so directory. ntdll: Add a helper function to get the alternate 32/64-bit machine. ntdll: Set the WINELOADER variable on the PE side, using a Windows path. loader: Install the Wine loader in the Unix lib directory. tools: Add a simpler Wine launcher in the bin directory. tools: Move the loader man pages to the new Wine loader directory. dbghelp: Always use the WINELOADER variable for the loader name. ntdll: Disable file system redirection until the initial exe is loaded. ntdll: Look for a builtin exe corresponding to the loader basename. makefiles: Install binaries as symlinks to wine. ntdll: Allow forcing new wow64 mode by setting WINEARCH=wow64. ntdll: Move setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on macOS to the loader. makefiles: Create wine as a symlink to tools/wine/wine. makefiles: Link to the wine loader in the tools directory if it was built. makefiles: Generate the wow64 symlinks from makedep. makefiles: Generate more of the re-configure rules from makedep. make_unicode: Update timezone data source to version 2025a. makefiles: Don't clean files in other directories. png: Import upstream release 1.6.45. lcms2: Import upstream release 2.17. faudio: Import upstream release 25.02. rsaenh: Use RtlGenRandom() directly. rsaenh: Don't use printf. vkd3d: Import upstream release 1.15. lcms2: Allow creating a transform without specifying input/output formats. server: Support an arbitrary number of PE sections. ntdll: Support an arbitrary number of PE sections. vkd3d: Update version number. makefiles: Fix the distclean target to clean everything.
Alexandros Frantzis (1): winewayland: Don't crash on text input done events without focus.
Anton Baskanov (1): winedbg: Make crash dialog topmost.
Attila Fidan (4): winewayland: Enable/disable the zwp_text_input_v3 object. winewayland: Post IME update for committed text. winewayland: Implement SetIMECompositionRect. winewayland: Post IME update for preedit text.
Austin English (1): mshtml: Add registry association for .log files.
Bernhard Übelacker (3): wbemprox: Increase buffer size one iteration earlier (ASan). ntdll/tests: Skip leap secondInformation test with older Windows versions. msvcrt/tests: Add missing parameter pmode to _open call (ASan).
Biswapriyo Nath (3): include: Add UI Automation Style ID definitions. include: Add IWiaDevMgr2 definition in wia_lh.idl. include: Add missing structures for wiadef.h in wia_lh.idl.
Brendan McGrath (3): winedmo: Explicitly set 'Data1' value for VP9 GUID. mf/tests: Add tests using a new WMV decoder MFT. winegstreamer: Store and use previous WMV stride value.
Brendan Shanks (2): configure: MacOS is always darwin*. winecoreaudio: Avoid duplicate Program Change or Channel Aftertouch MIDI messages.
Connor McAdams (2): quartz/tests: Add a test for resetting stream position after receiving EC_COMPLETE. quartz/filtergraph: Allow changing stream position after receiving EC_COMPLETE.
Conor McCarthy (16): mfplat/tests: Test putting work on an undefined queue id. rtworkq/tests: Test putting work on an undefined queue id. rtworkq: Support putting work on RTWQ_CALLBACK_QUEUE_UNDEFINED. rtworkq: Support putting work on any id in RTWQ_CALLBACK_QUEUE_PRIVATE_MASK. mfplat/tests: Introduce a helper to check the platform lock count. mfplat/tests: Test mixing of MF platform functions with their Rtwq equivalents. mfplat/tests: Test platform startup and lock counts. rtworkq/tests: Test work queue. rtworkq: Introduce a platform startup count. rtworkq: Introduce an async result object cache. mfplat: Free the inner cookie passed to resolver_create_cancel_object(). mfplat/tests: Release callback2 in test_event_queue(). mfplat/tests: Check for async result release after canceling work and shutting down. rtworkq/tests: Test scheduled items. rtworkq/tests: Test queue shutdown with pending items. rtworkq: Do not cancel pending callbacks when closing a thread pool.
Damjan Jovanovic (2): scrrun: Implement ITextStream::WriteBlankLines(). cmd: Add support for right-to-left handle redirection (2<&1).
Dmitry Timoshkov (17): windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for IWICBitmapFlipRotator. windowscodecs: Implement IWICBitmapFlipRotator(WICBitmapTransformFlipHorizontal) for bitmaps with bpp >= 8. windowscodecs: Implement IWICBitmapFlipRotator(WICBitmapTransformRotate90) for bitmaps with bpp >= 8. windowscodecs: Simplify a bit FlipRotator_CopyPixels() implementation. wldap32: Enable libldap tracing with +wldap32 channel. wldap32: Don't use win32 constant when calling into libldap. oleaut32: Fix logic for deciding whether type description follows the name. oleaut32: 'typekind' is the last field of SLTG_OtherTypeInfo structure. oleaut32: Implement decoding of SLTG help strings. oleaut32: Add support for decoding SLTG function help strings. oleaut32: Add support for decoding SLTG variable help strings. oleaut32: Make OleLoadPicture load DIBs using WIC decoder. server: Add support for merging WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages. oleaut32: Add missing fixup for SLTG typename offset. oleaut32: Avoid double initialization of TypeInfoCount when reading SLTG typelib. gdiplus: Add support for more image color formats. gdiplus/tests: Add some tests for loading TIFF images in various color formats.
Elizabeth Figura (9): shdocvw: Remove ParseURLFromOutsideSource() implementation. shdocvw: Remove URLSubRegQueryA() implementation. wined3d: Propagate a CLEARED location when blitting. wined3d: Explicitly check for BUFFER/SYSMEM before calling wined3d_texture_download_from_texture(). wined3d: Introduce initial support for Direct3D 10+ 2-plane formats. wined3d: Forbid creating unaligned planar textures. wined3d: Forbid unaligned blits for planar textures. wined3d: Implement creating views of planar resources. d3d11: Implement D3D11_FEATURE_D3D9_SIMPLE_INSTANCING_SUPPORT.
Eric Pouech (4): cmd/tests: Add tests about echo mode persistence across batch calls. cmd: Preserve echo mode across interactive batch invocation. cmd/tests: Add tests wrt. variable expansion with substring modifition. cmd: Fix substring substitution in variable expansion.
Esme Povirk (4): comctl32: Test for an IAccessible interface on SysLink controls. comctl32: Further testing of SysLink IAccessible. comctl32: Stub IAccessible interface for SysLink controls. comctl32: Implement accRole for SysLink controls.
Francis De Brabandere (1): vbscript: Add Join implementation.
Gabriel Ivăncescu (2): mshtml: Clear the documents list when detaching inner window. jscript: Use as_jsdisp where object is known to be a jsdisp.
Gijs Vermeulen (1): winegstreamer: Implement IWMSyncReader2::GetMaxOutputSampleSize.
Hans Leidekker (1): sort: Support /+n option.
Jacek Caban (11): ntdll: Pass WINE_MODREF to import_dll. ntdll: Pass importer pointer to find_ordinal_export. ntdll: Pass importer pointer to find_named_export. ntdll: Pass importer pointer to find_forwarded_export. ntdll: Pass importer pointer to build_import_name. ntdll: Use NULL importer in LdrGetProcedureAddress. ntdll: Remove no longer needed current_modref. msvcp: Avoid explicitly aligning structs passed by value. msvcp60: Avoid explicitly aligning structs passed by value. ntdll: Use signed type for IAT offset in LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI. winebuild: Avoid using .idata section for delay-load import libraries.
Jinoh Kang (11): server: Don't fail SetThreadPriority() on terminated threads. kernel32/tests: Add a basic FlushProcessWriteBuffers stress test. kernel32/tests: Add a store buffering litmus test involving FlushProcessWriteBuffers. include: Fix ReadNoFence64 on i386. server: Fix incorrect usage of __WINE_ATOMIC_STORE_RELEASE in SHARED_WRITE_BEGIN/SHARED_WRITE_END. include: Prevent misuse of __WINE_ATOMIC_* helper macros for non-atomic large accesses. kernel32/tests: Add basic tests for internal flags of modules loaded with DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES. kernel32/tests: Test for unexpected LDR_PROCESS_ATTACHED flag in import dependency loaded with DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES. kernel32/tests: Test for unexpected loader notification for import dependency loaded with DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES. ntdll: Skip DLL initialization and ldr notification entirely if DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES is set. ntdll: Remove redundant LDR_DONT_RESOLVE_REFS checks before calling process_attach().
Joe Souza (3): cmd/tests: Add tests for command DIR /O. cmd: Cleanup DIR /O logic. cmd: Implement ability to abort lengthy directory operations via Ctrl-C.
Marc-Aurel Zent (5): server: Also set thread priorities upon process priority change. kernel32/tests: Setting process priority on a terminated process should succeed. server: Implement apply_thread_priority on macOS for application priorities. server: Implement apply_thread_priority on macOS for realtime priorities. server: Apply Mach thread priorities after process tracing is initialized.
Martin Storsjö (2): ntdll: Allow running arm/aarch64 in (old) wow64 mode. server: Include ARMNT as one of the supported architectures on aarch64.
Michele Dionisio (2): timeout: Add a timeout command. timeout/tests: Add minimal test suite.
Mohamad Al-Jaf (14): windows.web/tests: Remove superfluous cast. windows.web/tests: Add IJsonValue::get_ValueType() tests. windows.web: Implement IJsonValue::get_ValueType(). windows.web: Partially implement IJsonValueStatics::Parse(). windows.web: Add error handling in IJsonValue::GetArray(). windows.web: Add error handling in IJsonValue::GetObject(). windows.web: Implement IJsonValue::GetString(). windows.web: Implement IJsonValue::GetNumber(). windows.web: Implement IJsonValue::GetBoolean(). windows.web/tests: Add IJsonValueStatics::Parse() tests. include: Reorder classes. Add stub dll. Move RandomAccessStreamReference class from wintypes. Add error handling in IRandomAccessStreamReferenceStatics::CreateFromStream().
Nikolay Sivov (41): windowscodecs: Implement CreateMetadataWriter(). windowscodecs/metadata: Create nested writer instances when loading IFD data. windowscodecs/metadata: Add a stub for WICApp1MetadataWriter. windowscodecs: Filter options in CreateMetadataWriter(). windowscodecs/metadata: Add initial implementation of CreateMetadataWriterFromReader(). windowscodecs/tests: Add an item enumeration test for the App1 reader. windowscodecs/metadata: Implement SetValue(). maintainers: Add myself to the scrrun.dll section. wbemprox: Fix a memory leak while filling Win32_PnPEntity fields. windowscodecs/metadata: Recursively create nested writers in CreateMetadataWriterFromReader(). windowscodecs/tests: Use generic block writer for testing. windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for querying nested readers in App1 format. windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for the query writer used on App1 data. windowscodecs/metadata: Handle nested metadata handlers lookup by CLSID. windowscodecs/tests: Add a top level block enumerator for the test block writer. windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for handler objects enumerator. windowscodecs: Add missing traces to the IWICEnumMetadataItem implementation. msi: Avoid invalid access when handling format strings. windowscodecs/tests: Add some query tests with the Unknown reader. windowscodecs/metadata: Share implementation between query reader and writer objects. windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for CreateQueryWriter(). windowscodecs/tests: Add query reader tests for live block reader updates. windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for CreateQueryWriterFromReader(). windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for the query reader container format. windowscodecs/metadata: Use VT_LPWSTR type instead of BSTRs when parsing queries. windowscodecs/metadata: Collect query components before assigning values. windowscodecs/metadata: Add a helper to parse query index syntax. windowscodecs/metadata: Use separate helpers to parse query items. windowscodecs/metadata: Handle empty items in queries. windowscodecs/metadata: Return query writer object from GetMetadataByName() when block writer is used. windowscodecs/metadata: Base returned query handlers on metadata handlers. windowscodecs: Implement CreateQueryWriter(). windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for default metadata item set. windowscodecs/metadata: Add flags mask to configure builtin handlers. windowscodecs/metadata: Implement removing items with IWICMetadataWriter. windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for RemoveMetadataByName(). windowscodecs/metadata: Implement RemoveMetadataByName(). windowscodecs/tests: Remove WinXP workarounds from png metadata test. windowscodecs/tests: Move non-specific CreateQueryReaderFromBlockReader() tests to a separate function. windowscodecs/tests: Add a test for reader instances returned from the decoder. windowscodecs: Remove TGA decoder.
Paul Gofman (24): user32/tests: Test system generated WM_MOUSEMOVE with raw input. server: Ignore WM_MOUSEMOVE with raw input / RIDEV_NOLEGACY. dwmapi: Sleep in DwmFlush(). ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Open directory object with nonzero access in test_permanent(). httpapi: Don't open files with zero access. kernel32: Don't open reg keys with zero access mask. setupapi: Don't open reg keys with zero access mask. devenum: Don't open reg keys with zero access mask. quartz: Don't open reg keys with zero access mask. wbemprox: Don't open reg keys with zero access mask. shell32: Don't open reg keys with zero access mask. server: Check for zero access in alloc_handle(). include: Add cfgmgr ID list filter constants. setupapi: Implement CM_Get_Device_ID_List[_Size]W(). setupapi: Implement CM_Get_Device_ID_List[_Size]A(). setupapi: Make device instance handlers persistent. setupapi: Implement CM_Locate_DevNode[_Ex]{A|W}(). winex11.drv: Sort Vulkan physical devices in get_gpu_properties_from_vulkan(). win32u: Sort Vulkan physical devices in get_vulkan_gpus(). crypt32/tests: Add test for chain engine cache update. crypt32: Lock store in MemStore_deleteContext(). crypt32: Do not temporary delete contexts in I_CertUpdateStore(). crypt32: Only sync registry store if registry has changed. crypt32: Resync world store for default engines in get_chain_engine().
Rémi Bernon (11): win32u: Introduce a new add_virtual_mode helper. win32u: Pass host enumerated display modes to get_virtual_modes. win32u: Keep virtual screen sizes in a SIZE array. win32u: Introduce a new get_screen_sizes helper. win32u: Check generated sizes with the maximum display mode. win32u: Generate fake resolution list from the host modes. win32u: Generate modes for the host native frequency. server: Introduce a new find_mouse_message helper. winetest: Ignore success and color codes in tests output limit. win32u: Drop now unnecessary WM_WINE_DESKTOP_RESIZED internal message. winex11: Delay changing window config if win32 side is still minimized.
Sven Baars (2): win32u: Fix an uninitialized variable warning on GCC 10. winegstreamer: Fix a compiler warning with GStreamer 1.18 or lower.
Torge Matthies (2): ntdll: Add sys_membarrier-based implementation of NtFlushProcessWriteBuffers. ntdll: Add thread_get_register_pointer_values-based implementation of NtFlushProcessWriteBuffers.
Vibhav Pant (10): winebth.sys: Don't call dbus_pending_call_set_notify with a NULL pending call. winebth.sys: Implement IOCTL_WINEBTH_RADIO_SET_FLAG. winebth.sys: Call bluez_watcher_close as part of bluetooth_shutdown. bluetoothapis: Add stub for BluetoothEnableIncomingConnections. bluetoothapis/tests: Add tests for BluetoothEnableIncomingConnections. bluetoothapis: Implement BluetoothEnableIncomingConnections. bluetoothapis: Add stub for BluetoothEnableDiscovery. bluetoothapis/tests: Add tests for BluetoothEnableDiscovery. bluetoothapis: Implement BluetoothEnableDiscovery. winebth.sys: Free Unix handle to the local radio after updating its properties.
Wei Xie (1): http.sys: Avoid crashes in complete_irp() if http header value is space.
Zhiyi Zhang (17): prntvpt: Add a missing return (Coverity). ntdll: Implement RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying(). ntdll/tests: Add RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying() tests. ntdll: Implement RtlEnumerateGenericTable(). ntdll/tests: Add RtlEnumerateGenericTable() tests. ntdll: Implement RtlGetElementGenericTable(). ntdll/tests: Add RtlGetElementGenericTable(). user32/tests: Test TME_LEAVE when the cursor is not in the specified tracking window. win32u: Post WM_MOUSELEAVE immediately when the cursor is not in the specified tracking window. include: Add D3DKMT_DRIVERVERSION. gdi32/tests: Add D3DKMTQueryAdapterInfo() tests. win32u: Support KMTQAITYPE_CHECKDRIVERUPDATESTATUS for NtGdiDdDDIQueryAdapterInfo(). win32u: Support KMTQAITYPE_DRIVERVERSION for NtGdiDdDDIQueryAdapterInfo(). winex11.drv: Go though WithdrawnState when transitioning from IconicState to NormalState. d2d1: Add D2D1ColorMatrix effect stub. d2d1: Add D2D1Flood effect stub. d3d11/tests: Test D3D11_FEATURE_D3D9_SIMPLE_INSTANCING_SUPPORT feature. ```