I was considering coming into town on Jan 29th because I have
that day off work anyway.  I'm not too sure of what there is
to do around there, but it is a big city.

Brian Vincent
Copper Mountain Telecom

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lionel Ulmer [mailto:lionel.ulmer@free.fr]
> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 12:43 PM
> To: wineconf@winehq.org
> Subject: Travel organisation...
> Hi all,
> While preparing my travel plans for WineConf, I was wondering
> if anyone
> would be motivated to do some 'vacationning' around WineConf
> (to not do, for
> example, an Europe => US travel just for a week-end).
> I have no idea what is available in this time of the year in
> the vicinity,
> but I am sure that some cool stuff could be done (like snow
> shoes treks,
> ....).
>      Lionel (one of the vacation-rich French guy :-) )
> --
>                Lionel Ulmer - http://www.bbrox.org/
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