*** shadow/390 Mon Mar 11 14:40:53 2002
--- shadow/390.tmp.29130 Mon Apr 22 14:54:38 2002
*** 2,13 ****
| Can't start wine: err:module:map_image Could not map section .text, file p |
| Bug #: 390 Product: Wine |
! | Status: NEW Version: 20011108 |
| Resolution: Platform: |
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-binary |
! | Assigned To: bugs(a) |
| Reported By: greg(a) |
| Milestone: TargetMilestone: --- |
--- 2,13 ----
| Can't start wine: err:module:map_image Could not map section .text, file p |
| Bug #: 390 Product: Wine |
! | Status: DUPLICATE Version: 20011108 |
| Resolution: Platform: |
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-binary |
! | Assigned To: wine-bugs(a) |
| Reported By: greg(a) |
| Milestone: TargetMilestone: --- |
*** 66,68 ****
--- 66,73 ----
This problem persists in the newest release from Feb2002. I could freely
demonstrate that I could run program with wine older than may 2001. After this
term the wine rejects to load it.
+ ------- Additional Comments From apa3a(a) 2002-04-22 14:54 -------
+ *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 311 ***
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*** shadow/311 Mon Apr 22 14:53:32 2002
--- shadow/311.tmp.29122 Mon Apr 22 14:54:37 2002
*** 95,97 ****
--- 95,100 ----
No, make install does not reconfigure Wine.
Try to use ./tools/wineinstall instead (see the README file).
Thank you for the spotting a duplicate.
+ ------- Additional Comments From apa3a(a) 2002-04-22 14:54 -------
+ *** Bug 390 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/311 Mon Apr 22 11:44:14 2002
--- shadow/311.tmp.24509 Mon Apr 22 13:44:19 2002
*** 2,8 ****
| Wine do not execute several programs - err:module:map_image |
| Bug #: 311 Product: Wine |
! | Status: RESOLVED Version: 20010629 |
| Resolution: Platform: |
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-binary |
--- 2,8 ----
| Wine do not execute several programs - err:module:map_image |
| Bug #: 311 Product: Wine |
! | Status: UNCONFIRMED Version: 20010629 |
| Resolution: Platform: |
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-binary |
*** 72,74 ****
--- 72,92 ----
If you still see the problem, could you post the section of your config file
which corresponds to the drives mapping?
+ ------- Additional Comments From fojtik(a) 2002-04-22 13:44 -------
+ This is not true at all. During thourough searching I was found bug #390 that
+ describes nearly same thing. You could use it as confirmation of this. (Don't
+ complain me for bug duplicating, I was a first reporter :-))
+ BTW: I am installing wine from sources:
+ configure
+ make dep
+ make all
+ make install
+ I attempt to use default configuration template (i did it once), but I must
+ leave section about drive mapping from old config. Sorry, but your template
+ cannot guess my mount points.
+ Tomorrow I'll post here my wine config file.
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/306 Thu Apr 18 13:21:06 2002
--- shadow/306.tmp.17675 Mon Apr 22 11:54:48 2002
*** 2,8 ****
| Activeskin.ocx Unhandled exception: page fault on read access |
| Bug #: 306 Product: Wine |
! | Status: UNCONFIRMED Version: unspecified |
| Resolution: Platform: |
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-misc |
--- 2,8 ----
| Activeskin.ocx Unhandled exception: page fault on read access |
| Bug #: 306 Product: Wine |
! | Status: NEW Version: unspecified |
| Resolution: Platform: |
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-misc |
*** 308,310 ****
--- 308,338 ----
------- Additional Comments From apa3a(a) 2002-04-18 13:21 -------
Kevin, can you reproduce the issue with fresh Wine build?
+ ------- Additional Comments From apa3a(a) 2002-04-22 11:54 -------
+ Comments from Kevin" <kpodgursky(a)>:
+ With current wine wine-cvs-unstripped-041802-1.i386.rpm from dataparity
+ wine wlaunch.exe
+ err:module:PE_fixup_imports Module (file) KERNEL32.dll (which is needed by
+ E:\codemasters\realm\wlaunch.exe) not found
+ It exits there, and that is all that is printed to terminal.
+ This is with either dll order set to builtin, native, so or native, builtin, so
+ and all dll overrides commented out.
+ I'm not sure if I messed up my systems or not. I tried this a month or two ago,
+ and the errors
+ as listed in Bug 306 were still the same.
+ I removed my old rpm and the config.cache, but I never get my fonts rebuilt as
+ was happening
+ with earlier builds.
+ Also if I run with wine --debugmsg +relay wlaunch.exe I get the same one line
+ error message.
+ I get more with debugmsg +all, but not really that much.
+ If you have any insight, let me know, else I may grab the latest mandrake and
+ redo from start.
+ At present I'm using redhat 7.1 up2date, but I messed around with some stuff :-)
+ Confirm per reporter's comments.
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/311 Sat Apr 20 06:59:13 2002
--- shadow/311.tmp.16920 Mon Apr 22 11:44:14 2002
*** 60,62 ****
--- 60,74 ----
If you want, I could do some deeper exploration about programs that are
suffering by this problem.
+ ------- Additional Comments From apa3a(a) 2002-04-22 11:44 -------
+ Jaroslav, sorry for bugging you - I just did not see reports about the bug from
+ other people.
+ It's possible there were changes in Wine configuration handling or default
+ registry which cause the problem. Can you try to rerun the wine configuration
+ process? Try to use default configuration whenever possible.
+ If you still see the problem, could you post the section of your config file
+ which corresponds to the drives mapping?
*** shadow/189 Fri Apr 19 09:02:07 2002
--- shadow/189.tmp.15781 Mon Apr 22 11:22:57 2002
*** 2,8 ****
| The mouse wheel can scroll textboxes beyond the end |
| Bug #: 189 Product: Wine |
! | Status: UNCONFIRMED Version: unspecified |
| Resolution: Platform: |
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-gui |
--- 2,8 ----
| The mouse wheel can scroll textboxes beyond the end |
| Bug #: 189 Product: Wine |
! | Status: NEW Version: unspecified |
| Resolution: Platform: |
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-gui |
*** 24,26 ****
--- 24,31 ----
------- Additional Comments From wine-bugzilla(a) 2002-04-19 09:02 -------
Still the same with WINE dated 20020411. Was this bug claimed to be fixed in CVS?
+ ------- Additional Comments From apa3a(a) 2002-04-22 11:22 -------
+ No, just sorting unconfirmed bugs. Thank you for the information. I don't have
+ mouse with wheel to reproduce the bug myself.
+ Confirmed per reporter's comments.
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