Summary: wpkg doesn't seem to work
Product: Wine
Version: CVS/GIT
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Status: NEW
Keywords: Installer
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: msxml3
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: dank(a)
wpkg is an interesting looking unattended
installation system for windows apps, said
to work on wine as long as you have ie6,
so I tried it without.
To work around bug 5541, you have to redirect the output of cscript.
Here's the recipe:
rm -rf .wine
winetricks vcrun6 wsh56
tar -xjvf wpkg-0.9.10.tar.bz2
cd wpkg-0.9.10
wine cscript wpkg.js /synchronize /debug | cat
This fails because of an msxml problem.
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Summary: PowerCad Pro 7
Product: Wine
Version: 0.9.53.
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: trivial
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: ziemi_(a)
Created an attachment (id=10418)
--> (
zipped log and screenshots
When I'd to select layer form Property Toolbar, a window appears far under
Toolbar - it schould appeard very close under Toolbar, see fig1.
When I try to dock Toolbar, the only size of it is very big it should be
something like not docked, see fig2. I think the second problem is conected
with first one. Also in Wine 0.9.52.
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Summary: z-order problem with Gecko prompt window starting
Heredis 9 for first time
Product: Wine
Version: CVS/GIT
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Status: NEW
Keywords: download
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: shdocvw
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: dank(a)
While trying to reproduce bug 10859, I noticed
that when Heredis 9 starts for the first time on
a fresh .wine, the Gecko download prompt comes up
under the Heredis splash screen, and is hard to
The real fix is for us to package Gecko with Wine,
I think. Can't we just check it in to git?
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Summary: Fail to run Visere
Product: Wine
Version: 0.9.4.
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: major
Priority: P2
Component: wine-gdiplus
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: hovh03(a)
Created an attachment (id=9818)
--> (
The output when run the program above
After download and install Visere at using the command
wine msiexec /i Visere_3.1.2.msi
I run the program:
wine Visere.exe, the following error was generated:
fixme:ole:CoGetClassObject CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {a1f4e726-8cf1-11d1-bf92-0060081ed811}
could be created for context 0x17
wine: Call from 0x7b8447d0 to unimplemented function
gdiplus.dll.GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap, aborting
Please see the attachment for the full error log.
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Summary: unhandled page fault when installing EccoPro 4.01 16 &
32-bit versions
Product: Wine
Version: 0.9.5.
Platform: PC-x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P3
Component: wine-files
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: adri_l01(a)
Created an attachment (id=9544)
--> (
log of page fault
I am running Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fox for AMD64.
When I try to run the setup program for EccoPro 4.01 (whether directly or from
the autorun) the install screen starts up and displays a message "Searching for
installed components" at which point it freezes and the uncontrolled page fault
shows up. Clicking on the button at the top of the window kills the program as
expected, though no screen updates are taking place.
All other programs I have tried to install using Wine 0.9.5 have worked
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Summary: Radmin viewer 3.1: "Scanning for Active Servers" action
does not work properly in main viewer window
Product: Wine
Version: 0.9.48.
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: minor
Priority: P2
Component: wine-misc
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: bugs.radmin(a)
We got an error:
1. Installed Radmin server 3.1 (
on a windows computer.
2. Installed Radmin viewer 3.1 on a linux computer with wine installed.
3. Started Radmin viewer
"Tools" --> "Scanning for Active Servers" action does not work properly in main
viewer window.
Correct behavior: Only running computers with radmin server installed and
radmin port opened should be checked with checkmark.
Wine behavior: All running computers became checked with checkmark.
The error was tested on Fedora Core 7 installation with the last wine package
from fedora update site (fedora_mirror/fedora/linux/updates/7/i386/).
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Summary: No$gba doesn't load previous directory in rom select
Product: Wine
Version: 0.9.48.
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: trivial
Priority: P2
Component: wine-files
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: echidnaman(a)
When the dialog for loading a ROM is used, it never remembers the last
directory you were in. It remembers in Windows.
fixme:commdlg:GetFileName95 Flags 0x00800000 not yet implemented
That's the error it gives in the console, which is the cause of the problem.
To reproduce:
-Start NO$GBA.exe
-Watch as the bug occurs
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Summary: Oblivion: Horse Armor Crash
Product: Wine
Version: 0.9.48.
Platform: All
OS/Version: All
Severity: minor
Priority: P3
Component: wine-kernel
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: noboundaries_au(a)
Created an attachment (id=8931)
--> (
terminal output
Oblivion crashes if a horse is ridden that is equipped with Horse Armor from
the Official Horse Armor Mod for Oblivion.
Steps to reproduce: Ride any horse wearing horse armor.
Results: Oblivion will crash within a few seconds.
Expected Results: No crash, keep riding horse like in Windows.
Wine Build: 0.9.48
OS Platform: Ubuntu 7.10 AMD64
Additional Information: This bug is not restricted to a single Wine build or
OS. It is present in all. It is a relatively well known bug for the game in
Wine, but there was no bugzilla entry.
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Summary: 3dsMax 2008 error
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: vasant3d(a)
Created an attachment (id=18707)
--> (
PNG image with error message.
Attached please find a PNG image. I am getting this error when I am trying
to install 3ds Max 2008 on my latest 64 bit Ubuntu 8.10 desktop version.
Please contact me if you have any queries. I would be happy to co-operate.
Vasant Patil
Pune - India.
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Summary: Background is sometimes purple and the ending is not
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.5
Platform: Other
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: maxmusterm(a)
CC: maxmusterm(a)
Portal runs good (except from the mem consuming and the loosing on speed after
playing a longer time [strangely it's not enough to kill wine, but to kill X
Many times in the game I see a purple background most time when there is a
wall/ground where i can't put a portal or bigger background i can't even touch
like in the endscene (i attached a picture).
The ending video is played to the place where the br0k3n mashine lands (the sky
is purple too)
After this scene I'm missing the scene with the cake, the game just hangs up at
this time.
I will attach the whole wine output unabridged because i don't want to keep
back any information someone could use.
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