Summary: Changing Wine version should generating warning
Product: WineHQ Bugzilla
Version: unspecified
Platform: All
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P2
Component: bugzilla-unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: austinenglish(a)
We're getting a lot of users changing their reported Wine version in bugs.
Doing so should either be blocked to non-admin users, or generating a warning
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Summary: Request to limit the number of screenshots per app
Product: WineHQ Apps Database
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Status: NEW
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P3
Component: appdb-unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: kennybobs(a)
There is apparently no numerical screenshot limit per app version. On many an
occasion logging into the AppDB can have over a hundred screenshots waiting,
and most of the time it'll be one user that feels it necessary to submit thirty
or so screenshots of his Call of Duty character standing in different angles.
Firstly, it is unnecessary to have so many screenshots for one version of any
app, ten should be more than enough to get an idea and the AppDB shouldn't be a
place for people to submit galleries of their wonderful death match victories.
Secondly, adding or rejecting each screenshot one by one takes a ridiculous
amount of time for the poor admin/maintainer that gets stuck with the task.
If the number of screenshots were limited, a message could be shown to let the
user know that the limit has been reached, and to encourage them to become an
app maintainer if they wish to change the screenshots. This would save us a
lot of time!
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Summary: Industry Giant 2 demo crashes with
Product: Wine
Version: 1.2-rc3
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: markk(a)
Created an attachment (id=28971)
--> (
Console output on ig2_demo.exe crash
The Industry Giant 2 game demo downloadable from fails to run under Wine 1.2rc3.
(The installer works, I'm referring to the actual game demo ig2_demo.exe.)
On my system, it opens a (I guess) 800x600-pixel black window, and shows a
dialog box titled Engine Error, with this text:
Engine Version: Tue May 21 14:33:20 2002
[current date and time]
Error: -2005532082 DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMODE Line: 391
When the mouse pointer is over the dialog box, the pointer vanishes. Clicking
the OK button (or equivalently, pressing return) results in Wine showing a
Program Error dialog box.
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Summary: 3DAnalyzer: Hangs when selecting certain exe's
Product: Wine
Version: 1.3.26
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: jakerman999(a)
Selecting some exe files results in hanging when file is accepted.
Running in console gives "fixme:commdlg:GetFileName95 Flags 0x00100000 not yet
implemented" when open dialogue is opened, after confirming problem exe the
open dialogue disappears, 3DAnalyzer gets ready to accept further input, then
ctrl+c in the terminal gives "fixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating
process 22 on event 0".
*note* This only hangs on certain exe files, others work without problem.
Replication can be found on hoi3game.exe from Hearts of Iron 3, and the
kkrieger executable pno0001.exe from
among others.
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Summary: OpenProcess does not enforce ACL
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: kernel32
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: shalomgo(a)
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Test case
OpenProcess (and probably other functions) does not properly enforce process
ACLs, allowing unprivileged processes to read and write memory of privileged
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Summary: Continuum: crashes at start up screen
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.38
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: orbfig(a)
Created an attachment (id=26235)
--> (
Terminal output from beginning of execution to the crash
Using openSUSE 11.2 (almost a completely new install, too), Continuum will
crash. Normally Continuum must run using a patched dlls/kernel32/process.c
adding "if (access & PROCESS_VM_WRITE) return NULL;" at the top (otherwise it
will never even reach the first-time-run setup step, let alone the point it's
crashing at.)
This was normally good enough to run the whole game pretty well, but Continuum
now crashes regularly once it reaches the zone select screen (the first window
after the splash logo.)
Backtrace attached.
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Bug #: 31002
Summary: Livezilla crashes on start without native dotnet20
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.7
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Keywords: download
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: mscoree
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: austinenglish(a)
Blocks: 19329
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 40695
terminal output
Install livezilla and attempt to start LiveZilla.exe. It will fail with some
heap errors/stacktrace. Removing mono/installing dotnet20 works around it, and
gets it to the next failure (missing fonts).
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Summary: VMMap: cannot activate window
Product: Wine
Version: 1.3.24
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Keywords: download
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: austinenglish(a)
Read about it while reading about the Stuxnet worm. I don't fully expect the
app to work on wine (yet :)), but running it works without crashing. I can't,
however, activate the window.
To reproduce:
$ wget
$ unzip "vmmap.exe"
$ wine start /min notepad.exe
$ wine vmmap.exe
accept the license, choose notepad, then click ok. The main window will now
appear, but you cannot click anything in it. You can still move it with
alt+drag, though.
Virtual desktop/disabling window manager control/decoration don't make a
Terminal output is pretty short:
austin@aw25 ~ $ wine vmmap.exe
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:msg:pack_message msg 14 (WM_ERASEBKGND) not supported yet
fixme:msg:pack_message msg 14 (WM_ERASEBKGND) not supported yet
fixme:service:EnumServicesStatusExW resume handle not supported
fixme:service:EnumServicesStatusExW resume handle not supported
fixme:heap:RtlQueryHeapInformation Unknown heap information class 2
fixme:debug_buffer:RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer (0, 1): stub
fixme:debug_buffer:RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer (96, 1): returning 0x145658
fixme:debug_buffer:RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation (33, 204, 0x145658): stub
fixme:debug_buffer:RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer (0x145658): stub
fixme:file:K32GetMappedFileNameW (0x4c, (nil), 0x33c3bc, 260): stub
fixme:file:K32GetMappedFileNameW (0x4c, 0x110000, 0x33c3bc, 260): stub
Then repeats these lines several dozen times:
fixme:virtual:NtQueryVirtualMemory (process=0x4c,addr=(nil)) Unimplemented
information class: MemoryWorkingSetList
fixme:virtual:NtQueryVirtualMemory (process=0x4c,addr=(nil)) Unimplemented
information class: MemoryWorkingSetList
fixme:virtual:NtQueryVirtualMemory (process=0x4c,addr=(nil)) Unimplemented
information class: MemoryWorkingSetList
fixme:file:K32GetMappedFileNameW (0x4c, 0x220000, 0x33c3bc, 260): stub
2f4c2ed326f82357006820b604a1f9ad99d95f38 vmmap.exe
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Summary: MessageBoxes doesn't have the copy(Ctrl-C) feature which
exists on Windows.
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.14
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: trivial
Priority: P2
Component: user32
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: diaasami(a)
Created an attachment (id=19116)
--> (
Source of a simple app that shows a messagebox
On Windows, When pressing Ctrl-C with a standard messagebox focused, the
caption and contents are copied to the clipboard(as text), this doesn't happen
with Wine's messageboxes.
When running the attached application and pressing Ctrl-C with the messagebox
focused on Windows, the following is copied into the clipboard:
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Bug #: 31047
Summary: unable to edit gedit's preferences
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.7
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: fracting(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 40760
Log: +winsock trace
1. Download win32 version of gedit…
2. install via wine
3. start gedit
$ cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/gedit/bin
$ wine gedit.exe
4. click on edit->preference->view
Expect result:
"Text Wrapping"/"Line Numbers" and other options should be able to edit.
Actual result:
All these checkboxes are unable to edit.
There are two warnings from console at the first of running gedit:
** (gedit.exe:8): WARNING **: Failed to send buffer
** (gedit.exe:8): WARNING **: Failed to send buffer
A +winsock trace show:
warn:winsock:wsaErrno errno 32, (Broken pipe).
warn:winsock:WS2_sendto -> ERROR 10054
After that there are a lot output from console as below:
GConf Error: Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error:
There as much of msvcrt message and winsock message with those "GConf Error":
fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__wsopen_s : pmode 0x01c0 ignored
warn:winsock:wsaErrno errno 115, (Operation now in progress).
native msvcrt doesn't help.
Will attach a +winsock trace, maybe helpful. Not sure what component yet.
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