Bug #: 31894
Summary: End of Nations - Unable to connect to shard
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.14
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: 942sam(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Installed End of Nations beta (build #384978), the game opens correctly. When
selecting the shard in main menu and pressing join shard I get "Unable to
connect to shard" error message after a few seconds. The game runs correctly in
The game requires constant internet connection, and adding many debug output
slows it down which results in kick/disconnect.
There is no console output when this error happens. Attached log output before
this error.
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Bug #: 30034
Summary: Adobe Edge Preview 4 fails to install
Product: Wine
Version: 1.4-rc5
Platform: Other
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: robert.munteanu(a)
Classification: Unclassified
The installer fails to complete its execution. It initialises successfully and
allows me to select an install location. Afterwards it presents a generic error
message : your installation has failed.
The installation fails with WINEARCH=win32 as well.
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Bug #: 30525
Summary: OEC Trader unable to run
Product: Wine
Version: 1.4
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Mac OS X
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: tprzemek(a)
Classification: Unclassified
I was able to install it, it asked later for dotnet 2.0 SP2 which installed
successfully. First execution of Trader.exe gave me a pop up with updates
available which I proceeded with.
After updating and running Trader.exe again it gave me two pop ups with Errors
and app failed to start.
Please look at the console output:
$ wine Trader.exe
Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a socket
path, verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded!
fixme:sync:CreateMemoryResourceNotification (0) stub
err:ole:CoGetContextToken apartment not initialised
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Windows.Forms"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"OECAPIUI"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"OECUI"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"API"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Plugins"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Drawing"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Configuration"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Accessibility"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Xml"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Trader.XmlSerializers"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Trader"
fixme:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_Frame_GetResolution (0x18c794,0x32ea58,0x32ea50):
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"CommLib"
fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented
fixme:imm:ImmDisableIME (-1): stub
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread Cannot get kerneltime or usertime of
other threads
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L".NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting"):
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"clr20r3"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"trader.exe"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L""
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"4f8dda7b"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"trader"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L""
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"4f8dda7b"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"72"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"f1"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"system.typeinitialization"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"NIL"
fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from
multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from
multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:richedit:ME_HandleMessage EM_SETMARGINS: stub
fixme:richedit:ME_HandleMessage EM_SETMARGINS: stub
err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize
err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer
for 'OEC.UI.CultureManager' threw an exception. ---> System.ArgumentException:
Culture name 'ga-ie' is not supported.
Parameter name: name
at System.Globalization.CultureTableRecord..ctor(String cultureName, Boolean
at System.Globalization.CultureTableRecord.GetCultureTableRecord(String
name, Boolean useUserOverride)
at System.Globalization.CultureTableRecord.GetCultureTableRecord(Int32
cultureId, Boolean useUserOverride)
at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(Int32 culture, Boolean
at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(Int32 culture)
at System.Globalization.CultureTable.GetCultures(CultureTypes types)
at OEC.UI.CultureManager.IsValidCultureName(String cultureName)
at OEC.UI.CultureManager..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at OEC.UI.CultureManager.set_RequireRestart(Boolean value)
at OEC.Trader.Program.Main()
wine: Unhandled exception 0xe0434f4d at address 0x7b82c7f2 (thread 0009),
starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: 0xe0434f4d in 32-bit code (0x7b82c7f2).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:7b82c7f2 ESP:0032ec34 EBP:0032eca8 EFLAGS:00000246( - -- I Z- -P- )
EAX:7b818345 EBX:7b82c77e ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000
ESI:00000001 EDI:001416f0
Stack dump:
0x0032ec34: 0032ecec 00000004 0000003c e0434f4d
0x0032ec44: 00000001 00000000 7b82c7f2 00000001
0x0032ec54: 80131534 0032ec64 79e7ff53 00000038
0x0032ec64: 0032ec80 79e7ff9c 00000038 001416f0
0x0032ec74: 0032ecec 003a2010 02000038 0032ec90
0x0032ec84: 79e80024 0032ec98 02000038 0032ec9c
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x7b82c7f2 in kernel32 (+0x1c7f2) (0x0032eca8)
1 0x79eda91c in mscorwks (+0x6a91b) (0x0032ed14)
2 0x7a097ad1 in mscorwks (+0x227ad0) (0x0032ed2c)
3 0x7a097b43 in mscorwks (+0x227b42) (0x0032ed54)
4 0x7a097b74 in mscorwks (+0x227b73) (0x0032ed80)
5 0x7a097b82 in mscorwks (+0x227b81) (0x0032ed90)
6 0x79fb9225 in mscorwks (+0x149224) (0x0032f288)
7 0x79e81043 in mscorwks (+0x11042) (0x0032f2d8)
8 0x79e81363 in mscorwks (+0x11362) (0x0032f328)
9 0x0074e1be (0x0032f340)
10 0x031a9058 (0x0032f370)
11 0x79e71b4c in mscorwks (+0x1b4b) (0x0032f380)
12 0x79e821b1 in mscorwks (+0x121b0) (0x0032f400)
13 0x79e96501 in mscorwks (+0x26500) (0x0032f538)
14 0x79e96534 in mscorwks (+0x26533) (0x0032f554)
15 0x79e96552 in mscorwks (+0x26551) (0x0032f56c)
16 0x79eefa45 in mscorwks (+0x7fa44) (0x0032f6d0)
17 0x79eef965 in mscorwks (+0x7f964) (0x0032f938)
18 0x79eefeb5 in mscorwks (+0x7feb4) (0x0032fe08)
19 0x79ef009f in mscorwks (+0x8009e) (0x0032fe58)
20 0x79eeffcf in mscorwks (+0x7ffce) (0x0032fea0)
21 0x79007c24 in mscoree (+0x7c23) (0x0032feb0)
22 0x7b84e13c in kernel32 (+0x3e13b) (0x0032fec8)
23 0x7b851197 in kernel32 (+0x41196) (0x0032ff08)
24 0x7bc64cbc (0x0032ff28)
25 0x7bc65dba (0x0032ffa8)
26 0x7bc64c82 (0x0032ffc8)
27 0x7bc3e2de (0x0032ffe8)
0x7b82c7f2: subl $4,%esp
Module Address Debug info Name (38 modules)
PE 400000- 63e000 Deferred trader
PE 37b0000- 38c6000 Deferred oecui
PE 3a60000- 3a6a000 Deferred plugins
PE 3f90000- 4382000 Deferred oecapiui
PE 4c30000- 4c62000 Deferred commlib
PE 11000000-1105e000 Deferred api
PE 40590000-40594000 Deferred advapi32
PE 40790000-40794000 Deferred version
PE 41c90000-41c98000 Deferred shlwapi
PE 41d10000-41d4a000 Deferred user32
PE 41e60000-41e66000 Deferred gdi32
PE 41fb0000-41fb4000 Deferred imm32
PE 43fb0000-43fb4000 Deferred winex11
PE 443f0000-443f8000 Deferred ole32
PE 44530000-44534000 Deferred rpcrt4
PE 44700000-44857000 Deferred shell32
PE 44950000-4497e000 Deferred comctl32
PE 44a60000-44a64000 Deferred uxtheme
PE 44aa0000-44aa4000 Deferred rsaenh
PE 44ae0000-44b19000 Deferred crypt32
PE 44ba0000-44ba4000 Deferred gdiplus
PE 44c30000-44cc2000 Deferred oleaut32
PE 44d50000-44d56000 Deferred windowscodecs
PE 5e3a0000-5e42d000 Deferred diasymreader
PE 60000000-60008000 Deferred accessibility
PE 637a0000-63998000 Deferred system.xml
PE 64890000-648fc000 Deferred system.configuration
PE 78000000-78044000 Deferred msvcrt
PE 78130000-781cb000 Deferred msvcr80
PE 79000000-79046000 Export mscoree
PE 79060000-790bb000 Deferred mscorjit
PE 790c0000-79518000 Deferred mscorlib
PE 79e70000-7a400000 Export mscorwks
PE 7a440000-7a744000 Deferred system
PE 7ade0000-7ae7c000 Deferred system.drawing
PE 7afd0000-7b49e000 Deferred
PE 7b810000-7b987000 Export kernel32
PE 7bc10000-7bc14000 Deferred ntdll
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 (D) C:\Program Files\OEC\Trader Demo 3.5\Trader.exe
00000025 2
00000024 0
00000009 0 <==
0000000e services.exe
00000020 0
0000001f 0
00000018 0
00000017 0
00000015 0
00000010 0
0000000f 0
00000012 winedevice.exe
0000001d 0
00000019 0
00000014 0
00000013 0
0000001a plugplay.exe
00000021 0
0000001e 0
0000001b 0
00000022 explorer.exe
00000023 0
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Summary: Vademecum Przedsiębiorcy 2009 NS displays incorrectly
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.9
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: piekarzarkadiusz(a)
Created an attachment (id=17621)
--> (
How it looks in Wine
Vademecum Przedsiębiorcy 2009 NS is a software for small companies to manage
their documents and work. It installs and launches fine, but the interior of
its window is displayed completely wrong. It's gray with random stuff (read
from a bad memory sector?), while there should be a folder tree on the left and
list of documents on the right. You can click on menu buttons on top, but only
when the cursor is above them, not directly on them. I've attached screenshots
of how it should look and how it is in Wine.
You can download a demo from here -
Ubuntu 8.10, Metacity / Compiz (same look), Wine 1.1.9-340-g934aa49.
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Bug #: 31394
Summary: Loading Serious Sam HD the second encounter loads into
a black screen then drops to a bug fault.
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.10
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: major
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: r_carran(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Loading Serious Sam HD the second encounter loads into a black screen then
drops to a bug fault.
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Summary: Bugs in RtlUnwindEx
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: ntdll
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: mkoegler(a)
MSDN ( describes
the passed context as scratch-space, not something that the application has to
initialize. The wine implemetation expect a valid context.
Looking at the debug output, it is also clearly visible, that the wine
implementation unwinds the stack pointer one stack frame to far.
The attached patch fixes these problems:
* RtlUnwindEx is called via DEFINE_REGS_ENTRYPOINT and the new context is used
as starting point.
* Stay at the same context, if the target stack frame has been reached.
There have been more infomation about the internal of RtlUnwindEx published:
The patch make RtlUnwindEx more compilant with this description - it is still
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Bug #: 31453
Summary: Witcher: Enhanced Edition -- Crashed at map point in
chapter 1
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other
OS/Version: Mac OS X
Severity: critical
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: nrdcoupon(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Downloaded Witcher:Enhanced Edition for Mac from Steam. Working within Chapter
I and the game crashed due to wine every time when crossing a certain part of
the map.
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Bug #: 31345
Summary: Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines crashes on new game
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.9
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: almaron(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 41190
The terminal log
The game starts normaly, options are working, but when I try to start a new
game, wine crashes in just couple seconds. All the needed dlls are installed
from winetricks.
Tried to use the advice from AppDB but it did
not change anything.
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Bug #: 30630
Summary: Java: chrome plugin installer fails
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.3
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Keywords: download, Installer
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: austinenglish(a)
Depends on: 26725
Classification: Unclassified
Install chrome (you'll probably need native winhttp to work around bug 30023).
Then, go to install java (
78a4d33f4cb87e2c63a272bb2c4e13f6b4cdeef3 chromeinstall-7u4.exe
run that, the download will fail. Workaround, winetricks wininet (bug 26725).
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
fixme:shell:SHFlushSFCacheWrap : stub
fixme:ras:RasEnumConnectionsA (0x630607a8,0x33a084,0x6305f610),stub!
fixme:ras:RasEnumConnectionsA RAS support is not implemented! Configure program
to use LAN connection/winsock instead!
fixme:service:EnumServicesStatusW resume handle not supported
fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesA ((nil),(null),0x3375f4,0x337db0,0x337dac),stub!
fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesA ((nil),(null),0x3375f4,0x337db0,0x337dac),stub!
fixme:urlmon:protocol_continue Could not get cache file
fixme:urlmon:DownloadBSC_OnStopBinding No cache file
Error opening file C:\users\austin\Application
Error: 2
fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesA ((nil),(null),0x8cd1c0,0x8cd97c,0x8cd978),stub!
fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesA ((nil),(null),0xccd1b8,0xccd974,0xccd970),stub!
fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesA ((nil),(null),0x339514,0x339cd0,0x339ccc),stub!
fixme:service:EnumServicesStatusW resume handle not supported
fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesA ((nil),(null),0x3388a4,0x339060,0x33905c),stub!
fixme:crypt:CRYPT_RegControl CERT_STORE_CTRL_AUTO_RESYNC: stub
fixme:crypt:CRYPT_RegControl CERT_STORE_CTRL_AUTO_RESYNC: stub
fixme:secur32:schan_imp_create_session Using hardcoded "NORMAL" priority
fixme:wintrust:HTTPSCertificateTrust (0x151038)
fixme:wintrust:HTTPSFinalProv (0x151038)
perhaps cryto related?
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Summary: Unhandled Exception running JRWorker.exe
Product: Wine
Version: 1.3.5
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: tombert(a)
The following application includes an DLNA service:
version 15
wich causes an unhandled exception.
log files attached.
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