Bug #: 33198
Summary: Multiple applications ported to WinRT/ARM using
msvcr110.dll require msvcrt.setjmp
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.25
Platform: arm
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: msvcrt
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Hello folks,
as the summary says ...
--- snip ---
$ wine ./Audacity.exe
err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'msvcrt.setjmp'
used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\msvcr110.dll". If you are using builtin
L"msvcr110.dll", try using the native one instead.
--- snip ---
Currently implemented for x86 64-bit in msvcrt:…
--- snip ---
1371 @ cdecl -arch=x86_64 -norelay -private setjmp(ptr) MSVCRT__setjmp
--- snip ---
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Bug #: 32992
Summary: ARM port of "WabbitEMU" wants
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.24
Platform: arm
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: kernel32
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Hello folks,
split from bug 32991 which is about unimplemented function
--- snip ---
0009:trace:module:load_dll looking for L"KERNEL32.dll" in
0009:trace:module:load_dll Found L"C:\\windows\\system32\\KERNEL32.dll" for
L"KERNEL32.dll" at 0x7b820000, count=19
0009:warn:module:import_dll No implementation for KERNEL32.dll.RtlUnwindEx
imported from L"Z:\\home\\linaro\\wine-apps\\wabbitemu\\Wabbitemu.exe", setting
to 0x41820000
0009:trace:imports:import_dll --- RtlUnwindEx KERNEL32.dll.1209 = 0x41820000
0009:trace:imports:import_dll --- GetCommandLineA KERNEL32.dll.481 = 0x7b846be0
0009:trace:imports:import_dll --- RtlPcToFileHeader KERNEL32.dll.1205 =
0009:warn:module:import_dll No implementation for
KERNEL32.dll.RtlLookupFunctionEntry imported from
L"Z:\\home\\linaro\\wine-apps\\wabbitemu\\Wabbitemu.exe", setting to 0x41820024
0009:trace:imports:import_dll --- RtlLookupFunctionEntry KERNEL32.dll.1203 =
0009:trace:imports:import_dll --- GetModuleFileNameW KERNEL32.dll.634 =
--- snip ---
MSDN entry for KERNEL32.dll.RtlLookupFunctionEntry:…
("ARM Definition")
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Summary: Overdrive media console fails to install.
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.16
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P3
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: gmstalk(a)
Created an attachment (id=19807)
--> (
Log file created when install is attempted
When I attempt to install the overdrive media console, the install quietly
fails and generates a text document named VSDCA_VsdLaunchConditions.Log
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Bug ID: 35691
Summary: IPLA 0.9 installer aborts with 'Windows Media Player
version 9 or newer needed' (wmp.dll version resource
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.13
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: focht(a)
Hello folks,
another way to check for WMP version (same category as bug 35677 and bug
The installer message is polish, translator tells it's something along:
"... Windows Media Player version 9 or newer needed. We recommend installing
version 11"
--- snip ---
$ WINEDEBUG=+tid,+seh,+relay wine ./iplasetup.exe >>log.txt 2>&1
0025:Call version.GetFileVersionInfoSizeA(00409f48
"C:\\windows\\system32\\wmp.dll",0033fa4c) ret=00401ed9
0025:Call KERNEL32.lstrcpynA(0040a748,00422e00 "Do zainstalowania programu
wymagany jest Windows Media Player w wersji 9 lub nowszej. Zalecamy
instalacj\xea wersji 11.",00000400) ret=0040590f
0025:Ret KERNEL32.lstrcpynA() retval=0040a748 ret=0040590f
0025:Call user32.MessageBoxIndirectA(004091d0) ret=0040521e
--- snip ---
$ sha1sum iplasetup.exe
cbd5578e1c8a3439ecc126d246fcb271825c2e37 iplasetup.exe
$ du -sh iplasetup.exe
8.2M iplasetup.exe
$ wine --version
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Bug ID: 35794
Summary: iTunes 7 installer aborts early (failure to find
builtin 'RegExp' class)
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.14
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: vbscript
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: focht(a)
Hello folks,
continuation of bug 34154
--- snip ---
$ WINEDEBUG=+tid,+seh,+relay,+vbscript,+ole,+variant wine ./iTunesSetup7.exe
>>log.txt 2>&1
002f:trace:vbscript:disp_get_id using IDispatch
002f:trace:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetIDsOfNames (0x1daf30) Name L"CompareVersions"
cNames 1
002f:warn:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetIDsOfNames no names found
002f:fixme:msi:AutomationObject_GetIDsOfNames Unknown member
L"CompareVersions", clsid {000c109e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
002f:trace:vbscript:interp_errmode 1
002f:trace:vbscript:interp_new L"RegExp"
002f:fixme:vbscript:interp_new Class L"RegExp" not found
002f:fixme:vbscript:exec_script Failed 80004005 in resume next mode
002d:err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"iTunesLaunchConditions"
returned 1603
--- snip ---
Relevant VBScript code snippet:
--- snip ---
Sub iTunesLaunchConditions
End Sub
Function CompareVersions(sVersion1, sVersion2)
Dim rgExpVersionComponents
Dim oMatches1, oMatches2
Dim iVersion1, iVersion2
Dim i
On Error Resume Next
Set rgExpVersionComponents = New RegExp
rgExpVersionComponents.Pattern = "(\d+)\.?"
rgExpVersionComponents.Global= True
Set oMatches1 = rgExpVersionComponents.Execute(sVersion1)
Set oMatches2 = rgExpVersionComponents.Execute(sVersion2)
i = 0
iVersion1 = 0
iVersion2 = 0
iVersion1 = CInt(oMatches1(i).SubMatches(0))
iVersion2 = CInt(oMatches2(i).SubMatches(0))
If iVersion1 < iVersion2 Then
CompareVersions = -1
Exit Function
ElseIf iVersion1 > iVersion2 Then
CompareVersions = 1
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 1
Loop While Err.number = 0
CompareVersions = 0
End Function
Sub PreventDowngrade
Const msiInstallStateAdvertised = 1
Dim Installer
Dim RelatedProducts
Dim UpgradeCode
Dim ProductCode
Dim ProductVersion
Dim ProductVersionMax
Dim ProductVersionFound
On Error Resume Next
Set Installer = Session.Installer
ProductVersion = Session.Property("ProductVersion")
ProductVersionMax = ""
UpgradeCode = Session.Property("UpgradeCode")
Set RelatedProducts = Installer.RelatedProducts(UpgradeCode)
For Each ProductCode in RelatedProducts
If Installer.ProductState(ProductCode) = msiInstallStateAdvertised Then
ProductVersionFound = Installer.ProductInfo(ProductCode, "Version")
Err.Clear : ProductVersionFound =
Installer.ProductInfo(ProductCode, "VersionString")
If Err.number <> 0 Then ProductVersionFound = ""
End If
If CompareVersions(ProductVersionFound, ProductVersionMax) > 0 Then
ProductVersionMax = ProductVersionFound
If CompareVersions(ProductVersionMax, ProductVersion) > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
--- snip ---
-> 'Set rgExpVersionComponents = New RegExp'
$ sha1sum iTunesSetup7.exe
5cdc86b2edb1411b9a022f05b1bfbe858fbcf901 iTunesSetup7.exe
$ du -sh iTunesSetup7.exe
35M iTunesSetup7.exe
$ wine --version
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Bug ID: 35833
Summary: iTunes 7 installer aborts early (automation methods
HRESULT incorrectly translated to VBScript runtime
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.14
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: vbscript
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: focht(a)
Hello folks,
now the VBScript runtime error object and exception handling is implemented the
next thing :)
Trace log:
--- snip ---
$ WINEDEBUG=+tid,+seh,+relay,+msi,+vbscript,+ole,+variant wine
./iTunesSetup7.exe >>log.txt 2>&1
0039:fixme:msi:AutomationObject_GetIDsOfNames Unknown member
L"DetectGEARDriverSetDeletion", clsid {000c109e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
0039:trace:msi:AutomationObject_AddRef (0x183370/0x183370)
0039:trace:vbscript:interp_errmode 1
0039:trace:vbscript:interp_short 2
0039:Call oleaut32.SysAllocString(001f3988
L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\GearAspiWDM") ret=f7343052
0039:Ret oleaut32.SysAllocString() retval=001f6284 ret=f7343052
0039:Call oleaut32.SysAllocString(001f39e4 L"DeleteFlag") ret=f7343052
0039:trace:ole:SysAllocStringLen L"DeleteFlag"
0039:Ret oleaut32.SysAllocString() retval=001f97b4 ret=f7343052
0039:trace:msi:AutomationObject_Invoke Method 11, L"RegistryValue"
0039:Call advapi32.RegOpenKeyW(80000002,001f6464
L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\GearAspiWDM",0064df10) ret=7ecdc24c
0039:Ret advapi32.RegOpenKeyW() retval=00000002 ret=7ecdc24c
0039:Call oleaut32.VariantClear(0064def0) ret=7ecdc67d
0039:trace:variant:VariantClear (0x64def0->(VT_I4))
0039:Ret oleaut32.VariantClear() retval=00000000 ret=7ecdc67d
0039:Call oleaut32.VariantClear(0064dee0) ret=7ecdc68b
0039:trace:variant:VariantClear (0x64dee0->(VT_BSTR))
0039:Ret oleaut32.VariantClear() retval=00000000 ret=7ecdc68b
0039:Call oleaut32.VariantClear(0064ded0) ret=7ecdc699
0039:trace:variant:VariantClear (0x64ded0->(VT_BSTR))
0039:Ret oleaut32.VariantClear() retval=00000000 ret=7ecdc699
0039:Call advapi32.RegCloseKey(00000000) ret=7ecdc6a7
0039:Ret advapi32.RegCloseKey() retval=00000006 ret=7ecdc6a7
0039:Call oleaut32.SysFreeString(001f60f4 L"RegistryValue") ret=7ecd7ea6
0039:Ret oleaut32.SysFreeString() retval=00000000 ret=7ecd7ea6
0039:trace:msi:AutomationObject_Invoke Returning 0x8002000b, not ok
0039:trace:msi:AutomationObject_Release (0x185e38/0x185e38)
0039:warn:vbscript:exec_script Failed 8002000b in resume next mode
0039:trace:vbscript:exec_script unwind jmp 642 stack_off 0
0039:fixme:msi:AutomationObject_GetIDsOfNames Unknown member L"Err", clsid
0039:trace:vbscript:DispatchEx_AddRef (0x1d92c8) ref=2
0039:trace:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetIDsOfNames (0x1d8de0) Name L"number" cNames 1
0039:trace:vbscript:DispatchEx_Release (0x1d92c8) ref=2
0039:trace:vbscript:DispatchEx_Release (0x1d92c8) ref=1
0039:trace:vbscript:interp_short 9
0039:trace:vbscript:var_cmp {VT_I4: -2147352565} {VT_I2: 9}
0039:Call oleaut32.VarCmp(001f5f70,001f5f80,00000000,00000000) ret=f73439a1
0039:Call oleaut32.VariantClear(001f5f70) ret=f733fecd
0039:trace:variant:VariantClear (0x1f5f70->(VT_I4))
0039:Ret oleaut32.VariantClear() retval=00000000 ret=f733fecd
0039:Call oleaut32.VariantClear(001f5f80) ret=f733fecd
0039:trace:variant:VariantClear (0x1f5f80->(VT_I2))
0039:Ret oleaut32.VariantClear() retval=00000000 ret=f733fecd
0039:trace:vbscript:interp_jmp_false 667
0037:Call user32.MessageBoxW(00000000,001e6d38 L"Unable to install the GEAR
driver set at this time. The GEARAspiWDM service use by the GEAR driver set is
scheduled to be deleted during the next system reboot. Please reboot the system
and run iTunes again.",7ed51b92 L"Install Failed",00000000) ret=7ecc3d83
--- snip ---
The relevant VBScript snippet:
--- snip ---
Sub DetectGEARDriverSetDeletion
Dim DeleteFlag
On Error Resume Next
DeleteFlag =
If Err.number <> 9 Then
If IsNumeric(DeleteFlag) Then
Session.Property("GEARASPIWDM_SERVICE_DELETED") = "#" +
Session.Property("GEARASPIWDM_SERVICE_DELETED") = DeleteFlag
End If
End If
End Sub
--- snip ---
--- quote ---
The RegistryValue method of the Installer object reads information about a
specified registry key of value. If the key or value specified does not exist,
the method returns an error of 9, "Subscript out of Range."
--- quote ---
Wine MSI InstallerImpl_RegistryValue() returns HRESULT = 0x8002000B
(DISP_E_BADINDEX) which seems to be right.
This code needs to be translated to VBScript runtime error code.
The equivalent would be something like 0x800A0009 ... if one searches for
"Subscript out of Range." and "VBscript".
--- snip ---
2030 HRESULT exec_script(script_ctx_t *ctx, function_t *func, vbdisp_t *vbthis,
2031 {
2032 exec_ctx_t exec = {func->code_ctx};
2033 vbsop_t op;
2034 HRESULT hres = S_OK;
2036 exec.code = func->code_ctx;
2106 while(exec.instr) {
2107 op = exec.instr->op;
2108 hres = op_funcs[op](&exec);
2109 if(FAILED(hres)) {
2110 ctx->err_number = hres;
2112 if(exec.resume_next) {
--- snip ---
$ sha1sum iTunesSetup7.exe
5cdc86b2edb1411b9a022f05b1bfbe858fbcf901 iTunesSetup7.exe
$ du -sh iTunesSetup7.exe
35M iTunesSetup7.exe
$ wine --version
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