Summary: Date and Time display
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: rx9tx(a)
Created an attachment (id=13813)
--> (
wine window
The problem is that in a Windows application running in Wine the date and time
displayed as digit like 39591.6425810185 instead of May-23-2008, 15:25, see
pictures and .
Same about the frequency value 0000000000028.012100 in mHz (28.0121 mhz) is
shown like 298112000.0. I dont know what kind of database is used, but it has
the .isd extension, also .isf, .ism, .isl files are present.
Here's the excerption from the database with the data shown on the pics:
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Bug #: 35062
Summary: FarCry3 : graphical glitches
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.8
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: directx-d3d
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: berillions(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 46762
Graphical glitches on see
There is a graphical bug when i play at FarCry3. this bug appears only when you
look the sea.
As you can see in the screenshot, it seems that the map is drawn in the sea.
I think it's not a problem about the sun/moon light reflections on the sea,
they're correctly drawn (not viewable in the screenshot)
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Summary: Arcanum essentially unusable due to graphics errors
Product: Wine
Version: 1.2
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: alex.richardson(a)
When playing Arcanum, the issue shown by the screenshot happens as soon as you
attempt to scroll the view.
It seems that it only happens when scrolling to the top, left right and down
seem to be fine.
I know this did not happen with older versions of Wine ~1 year ago.
For testing purposes there is a demo of the game available here:
If you need any other information please tell me, I'm quite new to reporting
bugs in Wine.
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Summary: Colin Mcrae Rally 1.0 shows Graphical Glitches within
menus and crashes before loading any track.
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.5
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: Salz85(a)
Created an attachment (id=16253)
--> (
game run without any argument.
After Setting the compatibility to windows 95/98, installing direct media end
the indeo codec, Colin Mcrae rally start but deos not show any menu correctly,
except for fixed bitmap like the Copyright screen (see the screenshot ).
Even if I try to navigate the menu and get to load the track, wine crashes.
See the crash.log for the output when the game crashes wine, and menu.log for a
debug with "relay,+d3d7,+ddraw" active (reaching the menu, navigating it and
then exiting the application).
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Summary: dicom image viewer aborts because
IMultiLanguage2_GetCharsetInfo doesn't like "ISO8859-1"
Product: Wine
Version: CVS/GIT
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: dank(a)
I had an MRI recently, and got a copy on cd-rom. The viewer app
crashed quickly on Wine.
trace:mlang:fnIMultiLanguage2_GetCharsetInfo 0x19dce8 L"ISO8859-1" 0x32f5b4
0009:Call KERNEL32.lstrcmpiW(01031d58 L"ISO8859-1",0032f524 L"iso-8859-1")
0009:Call oleaut32.SysAllocString(01577b00 L"System does not support the
specified encoding.\r\n") ret=69bf1378
wine: Unhandled exception 0x80000003 at address 0x7b83d7c1 (thread 0009),
starting debugger...
=>1 0x7b83d7c1 DebugBreak+0x3() [wine-git/include/winternl.h:1828] in kernel32
2 0x7bc54140 call_entry_point+0x20() in ntdll
3 0x7bc55118 relay_call_from_32+0x1a1(descr=0x7b8b416c, idx=?,
stack=0x32f8fc) [wine-git/dlls/ntdll/relay.c:372] in ntdll
4 0x7b8273c1 in kernel32 (+0x73c1)
5 0x69b20265 in msxml4 (+0x10265)
6 0x004b8a53 in efilmlt (+0xb8a53)
Looks like Windows is more forgiving about how callers
identify charsets. We were only accepting names
like "iso-8859-1", but Windows accepts "ISO8859-1".
I have test that passes on WinXP, and a patch that fixes both the
test and the real app. Will send to wine-patches.
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Bug #: 29255
Summary: Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 & 2010 applications do not
print OTF
Product: Wine
Version: 1.3.34
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: gunwald(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 37835
Document showing that OTF printing does not work
All Microsoft Office applications form 2003 to 2010 are not able to print
documents using any OTF (Open Type Font). Printing a Document using any OTF
leads in a completely blank page.
I think, this is an important bug, because printing is a main function of any
office application.
This bug may be related to bug 25515
I did attach an document to demonstrate the bug.
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Bug #: 30969
Summary: Tron 2.0 - No music while playing game and in menu
Product: Wine
Version: 1.4
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: directx-dmusic
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: an0nym0usse(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 40628
output when launching Tron.exe
No music while playing game and in menu.
The game install with no problem
I add the msvcirt.dll in system32 like suggested on the wine site
All seems to go well, the first setting menu launch with sound
After that the diverse publishing companies videos are played with sound.
After a couple of seconds the Game menu appears with sound effects but NO
No music while playing the game too.
You can look for clues in attachment1
When I re-install WMFADist.exe (probably audio codecs) included in Tron 2.0 cd
it seem to install without a problem but in the console it give some errors:
zool@Satellite-M40:~/JEUX/Progz/Win32/Tron2$ wine WMFADist.exe
fixme:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW notification 262144 params 32f84c,0
err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW copy error 0
L"C:\\users\\zool\\Temp\\IXP000.TMP\\msdmo.dll" ->
fixme:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW notification 262144 params 32f84c,0
err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW copy error 0
L"C:\\users\\zool\\Temp\\IXP000.TMP\\msvcrt.dll" ->
fixme:sfc:SFC_3 0
fixme:sfc:SFC_3 0
fixme:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Header type magic 0x00905a4d not supported.
err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib
L"C:\\windows\\system32\\logagent.exe" failed with error 0
err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib
L"C:\\windows\\system32\\logagent.tlb" failed with error 2
It's all for now
I have filed this bug under : directx-dmusic, seemed logical
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Bug #: 34774
Summary: Crimson Skies crashes when a mission ends
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.4
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: benpicco-wine(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 46368
Unhandled page fault on read access
I've installed the game to a 32bit Windeprefix, installed quartz, Active Video
and native amstream.dll and disabled winegstreamer so the game would launch.
Everything works well, I can launch missions/instant action battles, but when
they end and the game normally would go to a debriefing screen, it crashes
Last few lines of console output (abbreviated):
fixme:dinput:LinuxInputEffectImpl_Download Could not upload effect. Assuming a
disconnected device 45 "Invalid argument".
fixme:dinput:joy_polldev joystick cannot handle type 21 event (code 1)
fixme:dinput:LinuxInputEffectImpl_Download Could not upload effect. Assuming a
disconnected device 45 "Invalid argument".
fixme:dinput:LinuxInputEffectImpl_Download Could not upload effect. Assuming a
disconnected device 45 "Invalid argument".
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x06240000 at address 0x22022e0
(thread 0047), starting debugger...
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid
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Bug #: 33208
Summary: WWII Battle Tanks: T-34 vs. Tiger selection of the new
company causes to crash
Product: Wine
Version: 1.5.25
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: andrey.goosev(a)
CC: andrey.goosev(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 43931
logout + backtrace
Game runs without any overrides, but has crash when selecting a new company.
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