Bug ID: 49500
Summary: Wine is not displaying any windows
Product: Wine
Version: 5.0
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: vld10(a)
Distribution: ---
If no monitor attached, wine is not displaying any windows.
Trying to run winecfg.
On wine-4.0.3 all works as expected.
On wine-5.0 & wine-5.11 no window is displayed, although programs seems to
In both cases, running winecfg via terminal, produces an output.
Setup: start X via /etc/init.d/xdm; connect to display via x11vnc when
Workaround1: do xinit -- /usr/bin/X -extension RANDR.
Workaround2: do xinit -- /usr/bin/Xvfb
Here is my xrandr output for default Setup:
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 4096 x 4096
VGA-1 disconnected primary (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
Here is my xrandr output for Workaround 2:
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output screen
Screen 0: minimum 1 x 1, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 1280 x 1024
screen connected 1280x1024+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1280x1024 0.00*
I think this is enough info to reproduce.
Let me know what logs to provide.
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Summary: xmllite installer crashes about 1 in 30 runs
Product: Wine
Version: 1.3.13
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: dank(a)
While running the regression test for winetricks-alpha,
I noticed that installing xmllite crashed like this:
fixme:wintrust:CryptCATGetCatAttrInfo 0x13e700, L"SPLevel"
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xffffffff at address 0x68a4875f
(thread 0013), starting debugger...
=>0 0x68a4875f SetupCommitFileQueueW+0x3cf(owner=(nil), handle=0x1414f0,
handler=0x68a49040, context=0x33bcdc) [include/wine/unicode.h:200] in setupapi
1 0x68a49031 SetupCommitFileQueueA+0x40(owner=(nil), queue=0x1414f0,
handler=0x103be4b, context=0x33c228) [dlls/setupapi/queue.c:879] in setupapi
0x68a4875f SetupCommitFileQueueW+0x3cf [include/wine/unicode.h:200] in
setupapi: cmpw $0,0x0(%edx)
I ran the installer in a loop to try to reproduce, and on the 34th run,
I got a different crash at about the same place:
fixme:wintrust:CryptCATGetCatAttrInfo 0x1c8ba8, L"SPLevel"
err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackA copy error 3
"c:\\e64013c352a7bbb4a28da0908ecc09\\SP2QFE\\xmllite.dll" ->
fixme:setupapi:pSetupGetGlobalFlags stub
fixme:setupapi:pSetupGetGlobalFlags stub
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xffffffff at address 0x68c72252
(thread 003f), starting debugger...
=>0 0x68c72252 StringTableDestroy+0x42(hStringTable=0x13ed98)
[dlls/setupapi/stringtable.c:177] in setupapi (0x0033f384)
0x68c72252 StringTableDestroy+0x42 [dlls/setupapi/stringtable.c:177] in
setupapi: movl 0x0(%edx,%edi,1),%edx
I ran it again in a loop with WINEDEBUG=warn+heap,+setupapi, and on the 28th,
111th, and 114th runs, saw the error:
fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW (L"",L"NtServicePack"): stub
fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub
err:heap:HEAP_ValidateInUseArena Heap 0x110000: block 0x137420 tail overwritten
at 0x137430 (byte 0/32 == 0xff)
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Bug #: 32554
Summary: XPSEP instalation fails with "Path not found" error
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: timoteo(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 42963
Backtrace shown in error window
I got an error while trying to install .net framework 3.0 SP1 using winetricks
(winetricks dotnet30sp1).
I tried installing it by hand also (wine msiexec /i "XPSEP XP and Server 2003
32 bit.msi" /qb), but got the same error.
Terminal output shows (among lots of fixmes) the following lines:
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"Windows"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L""
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"Path not found.\r\n"
And After debug information, the following lines:
err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"EPUpdateInstallAction"
returned 1627
err:msi:custom_get_thread_return Invalid Return Code 3
Ubuntu Quantal running on a VirtualBox (I have the same problems running on
physical hardware)
$ uname -a
Linux unimed-box 3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 9 19:32:08 UTC 2012
i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux
$ wine --version
Backtrace attached
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Bug ID: 36387
Summary: Multiple Microsoft installers crash or hang with heap
corruption (XmlLite, XPSEP, IE7)
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.18
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: setupapi
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: focht(a)
Hello folks,
continuation of bug 26016
I did more testing, trying to extract a pattern out of the crashes.
Unfortunately there is no clear pattern.
There was one crash log which gave me another idea though.
--- snip ---
$ WINEDEBUG=+tid,+seh,+relay,+heap wine ./update.exe -q >>log.txt 2>&1
0035:Call ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap(00110000,00000000,0000000c) ret=7e0c34d9
0035:trace:heap:RtlAllocateHeap (0x110000,70000062,0000000c): returning
0035:Ret ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap() retval=001b70c0 ret=7e0c34d9
0035:Ret setupapi.SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx() retval=001b70c0
0035:Call setupapi.SetupCommitFileQueueA(00000000,001f3908,7e09e35c,001b70c0)
0035:Ret setupapi.SetupCommitFileQueueA() retval=00000001 ret=01053f55
0035:Call setupapi.SetupCommitFileQueueA(00000000,0011c5a0,0103be4b,0034c1b8)
0035:Ret setupapi.SetupDefaultQueueCallbackA() retval=00000001 ret=0103bf44
0035:Call ntdll.RtlFreeHeap(00110000,00000000,00000000) ret=7e0bf759
0035:Ret ntdll.RtlFreeHeap() retval=00000001 ret=7e0bf759
0035:Call ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap(00110000,00000000,00000080) ret=7e0bf782
0035:err:heap:HEAP_ValidateInUseArena Heap 0x110000: free block 0x1b70e0
overwritten at 0x1b70f0 by ffffffff
--- snip ---
There was a damaged heap block located near the context structure for the
default queue callback.
--- quote ---
The SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback function builds the context structure that is
used by the default queue callback routine. It returns a void pointer to that
structure. This structure is essential for the default callback routine's
operation and must be passed to the callback routine. You do can this either by
specifying the void pointer as the context in a call to SetupCommitFileQueue,
or by specifying the void pointer as the context parameter when calling
SetupDefaultQueueCallback from a custom callback routine. This context
structure must not be altered or referenced by the setup application.
--- quote ---
What if these guys writing the update installers, distributing their own copy
of setupapi (updspapi) give a damn about MSDN and treat the context callback
structure not as opaque, possibly peek/modify structure members?
The context structured started at 0x001b70c0 .. the damaged part was at
Unfortunately, I could not replicate the corruption pattern at this offset with
more tests.
I gave the callback context structure a larger block - 0x40 bytes to be safe.
The block was allocated with HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY to make sure that even if the
installer code peeks into structure it doesn't see garbage.
The current structure layout (member offsets) is most likely different from
their layout but that doesn't seem to play a role here.
With that change in place the crashes were gone.
I got a random heap crit sec hang out of several hundred tries though (maybe
Austin, can you pad the structure here up to 0x40 bytes:…
--- snip ---
39 /* context structure for the default queue callback */
40 struct default_callback_context
41 {
42 HWND owner;
43 HWND progress;
44 UINT message;
45 };
--- snip ---
zero init alloc (HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY) here:…
--- snip ---
1480 PVOID WINAPI SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx( HWND owner, HWND progress,
UINT msg,
1481 DWORD reserved1, PVOID reserved2 )
1482 {
1483 struct default_callback_context *context;
1485 if ((context = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*context) )))
1486 {
1487 context->owner = owner;
1488 context->progress = progress;
1489 context->message = msg;
1490 }
1491 return context;
1492 }
--- snip ---
and retest?
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Summary: .NET 3.0: XPSEPSC installer fails due to unimpl
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.12
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: kernel32
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
after getting past bug 16878 one runs into next one.
2. sh winetricks -q dotnet20
3. download .NET 3.0 Framework installer from:
4. export _SFX_CAB_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST=1 (workaround, see bug 9158)
5. wine ./dotnetfx3setup.exe
It might take a while until all required packages are downloaded using BITS.
Note: If you need to redo steps, backup the directory "dotnetfx304506.30" from
"c:\\windows\\temp" to a different location, remove ~/.wine, copy
"dotnetfx304506.30" again to "c:\\windows\\temp" to prevent BITS from
downloading over and over again.
--- snip ---
((null),L"Microsoft-Windows-SpoolerFilterPipelineSVC"): stub
fixme:winspool:OpenPrinterW PRINTER_DEFAULTS ignored => (null),(nil),0x00000001
fixme:winspool:AddPrinterW DocumentPropertiesW on printer L"Microsoft XPS
Document Writer" fails
wine: Call from 0x105e0b0 to unimplemented function
KERNEL32.dll.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace, aborting
wine: Unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace called at
address 0x105e0b0 (thread 0014), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: unimplemented function
KERNEL32.dll.RtlCaptureStackBackTrace called in 32-bit code (0x7bc485e6).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:7bc485e6 ESP:0033ef1c EBP:0033ef70 EFLAGS:00000216( - 00 - IAP1)
EAX:0033ef1c EBX:7bc9b830 ECX:0034002d EDX:007d3e0c
ESI:0033f7cc EDI:007d3e18
Stack dump:
0x0033ef1c krb5_rc_dfl_init+0xfc: 80000100 00000001 00000000 0105e0b0
0x0033ef2c krb5_rc_dfl_init+0x10c: 00000002 010957de 01095722 60143151
0x0033ef3c krb5_rc_dfl_init+0x11c: 00110000 7bc9b830 00000000 00000000
0x0033ef4c krb5_rc_dfl_init+0x12c: 00000064 7bc43fe6 00000000 7bc6ebc4
0x0033ef5c krb5_rc_dfl_init+0x13c: 0033efc4 60145124 00000040 7bc6ed4d
0x0033ef6c krb5_rc_dfl_init+0x14c: 007d1288 0033efa4 0034003c 010957de
=>0 0x7bc485e6 stub_entry_point+0x4b(dll="KERNEL32.dll",
name="RtlCaptureStackBackTrace", ret_addr=0x105e0b0)
[/opt/wine/wine-git/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:192] in ntdll (0x0033ef70)
1 0x0034003c in (+0x7503c) (0x0033efa4)
2 0x0105dbeb in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x5dbeb) (0x0033efb4)
3 0x0105de7c in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x5de7c) (0x0033f1dc)
4 0x0105e036 in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x5e036) (0x0033f1fc)
5 0x0101cfb3 in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x1cfb3) (0x0033fc34)
6 0x0101d020 in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x1d020) (0x0033fd28)
7 0x0101dab1 in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x1dab1) (0x0033fd6c)
8 0x0101be04 in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x1be04) (0x0033fd94)
9 0x0101be76 in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x1be76) (0x0033fdb0)
10 0x0101bf7f in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x1bf7f) (0x0033fdd0)
11 0x0101e133 in printfilterpipelinesvc (+0x1e133) (0x0033fef8)
12 0x7b87ebd0 start_process+0xe4(arg=(nil))
[/opt/wine/wine-git/dlls/kernel32/process.c:904] in kernel32 (0x0033ffe8)
00000025 (D) C:\windows\system32\unknown\PrintFilterPipelineSvc.exe
--- snip ---
In case you are wondering about "unknown" in path, Wine doesn't know about
directory id 55 which is printer processor directory.
Although it might deserve its own bug I mention it here:
--- snip ---
0045:fixme:setupapi:create_system_dirid unknown dirid 55
--- snip ---
That whole print processor stuff needs to be tackled separately.
--- snip ---
0032:Call KERNEL32.CopyFileW(0033f814
0032:Ret KERNEL32.CopyFileW() retval=00000001 ret=0101cf79
0032:Call winspool.drv.AddPrintProcessorW(00000000,01002388 L"Windows NT
x86",01001f9c L"filterpipelineprintproc.dll",01001fd4 L"MS_XPS") ret=0101d032
0032:fixme:winspool:AddPrintProcessorW ((null),L"Windows NT
x86",L"filterpipelineprintproc.dll",L"MS_XPS"): stub
0032:Ret winspool.drv.AddPrintProcessorW() retval=00000000 ret=0101d032
--- snip ---
There are several issues, though I leave them alone for now ...
After adding RtlCaptureStackBackTrace() forward to kernel32.spec and adding
stub to ntdll (FIXME params + returning STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED), the crash is
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Summary: .NET 3.0: XPSEPSC installer copies print processor files
to wrong directory (setupapi unhandled dirid 55)
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.12
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: setupapi
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
I mentioned this in bug 16879 and before the issue gets lost...
Wine doesn't know about directory id 55 which is print processor directory.
--- snip ---
00c4:fixme:setupapi:create_system_dirid unknown dirid 55
00c4:Call KERNEL32.GetSystemDirectoryW(00000000,00000000) ret=789dacd1
00c4:Ret KERNEL32.GetSystemDirectoryW() retval=00000014 ret=789dacd1
00c4:Call KERNEL32.lstrlenW(0015ab20 L"C:\\windows\\system32\\unknown")
00c4:Call KERNEL32.CreateFileA(006f26f0
--- snip ---
--- snip dlls/setupapi/dirid.c ---
/* create the string for a system dirid */
static const WCHAR *create_system_dirid( int dirid )
FIXME( "unknown dirid %d\n", dirid );
return get_unknown_dirid();
--- snip dlls/setupapi/dirid.c ---
GetPrintProcessorDirectoryW() should provide all required information.
With patch applied:
--- snip ---
0031:Call KERNEL32.CopyFileW(0015b310
--- snip ---
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Summary: .NET 3.0: XPSEPSC installer fails due to missing
ntoskrnl.exe placeholder and version resource
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.12
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: ntoskrnl
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
NOTE: bug 16875 which covers two issues in setupapi.SetupGetTargetPathW needs
to be properly fixed for *both* cases, see "update.inf" snippet which is part
of this bug report.
After bug 16875 (and 16876) are fixed, the installer fails:
--- snip ---
[01/11/09,11:36:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0: [2] Error: Installation
failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. MSI returned error code 1603
[01/11/09,11:36:37] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
is not installed.
[01/11/09,11:36:37] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
was not attempted to be installed.
--- snip ---
--- snip ---
[01/11/09,11:36:37] WapUI: Return for RGB Rast indicates a successful
installation. DepCheck indicates the component is installed.
[01/11/09,11:36:37] WapUI: Return for MSXML 6.0 Parser indicates a successful
installation. DepCheck indicates the component is installed.
[01/11/09,11:36:37] WapUI: Return for WIC Installer indicates a successful
installation. DepCheck indicates the component is installed.
[01/11/09,11:36:37] WapUI: DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is
not installed.
--- snip ---
Obviously bug 12401 (which I have analyzed in bug 10601).
So the prerequisite expands.
2. sh winetricks -q dotnet20
3. download .NET 3.0 Framework installer from:
4. export _SFX_CAB_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST=1 (workaround, see bug 9158)
5. wine ./dotnetfx3setup.exe
It might take a while until all required packages are downloaded using BITS.
Note: If you need to redo steps, backup the directory "dotnetfx304506.30" from
"c:\\windows\\temp" to a different location, remove ~/.wine, copy
"dotnetfx304506.30" again to "c:\\windows\\temp" to prevent BITS from
downloading over and over again.
After applying prerequisite the installer fails again:
--- snip ---
[01/11/09,11:53:13] XPSEPSC x86 Installer: [2] Error code 1603 for this
component means "ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE
[01/11/09,11:53:13] XPSEPSC x86 Installer: [2] Setup Failed on component
XPSEPSC x86 Installer
[01/11/09,11:53:24] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates XPSEPSC x86 Installer is not
--- snip ---
--- snip ---
0.008: 2009/01/11 11:53:12.167 (local)
0.009: C:\a71b96a363115310c46014e60bbc1d36\update\update.exe (version
0.009: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart
0.009: GetKernelType: GetInternalFilename failed
0.552: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11873, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error
0.552: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 11905, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error
0.552: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.553: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.IP
0.554: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.554: RegisterDll: Executing command line: "C:\windows\system32\regsvr32.exe"
/s "C:\windows\system32\licdll.dll" ...
0.634: RegisterDll: Exit code=0x00000001
0.634: RegisterDll: Executing command line: "C:\windows\system32\regsvr32.exe"
/s "C:\windows\system32\regwizc.dll" ...
0.712: RegisterDll: Exit code=0x00000001
0.713: Unexpected Error While Executing Line 1 ( Condition.Requirement ) of
0.713: ExConditionalEvaluateSection: Syntax error in 'Condition' key of section
0.713: DoInstallation: Error 0xf00c while evaluating extended conditional
section [ProductInstall.ExtendedConditional].
0.713: CleanupTrustedInfFile: GetFileAttributes for
failed: 0x2
0.714: The XpsEPSC c:\a71b96a363115310c46014e60bbc1d36\update\update.inf file
is not correct.
0.714: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf00c
0.714: Update.exe return code was masked to 0x643 for MSI custom action
--- snip ---
Relevant "update.inf":
--- snip ---
Condition = SingleOp, Condition.Requirement
GreatOrEqualOp=CheckFilever, System32.files, ntoskrnl.exe, >=,
--- snip ---
Adding version resource to ntoskrnl.exe alone is not sufficient, a placeholder
needs to be present in system32:
--- snip ---
0028:Call KERNEL32.FindFirstFileA(0033ac3c
"C:\\windows\\system32\\ntoskrnl.exe",0033a18c) ret=0106da6d
0028:Ret KERNEL32.FindFirstFileA() retval=ffffffff ret=0106da6d
0028:Call KERNEL32.GetLastError() ret=0106b894
0028:Ret KERNEL32.GetLastError() retval=00000002 ret=0106b894
0028:Call msvcrt._vsnprintf(0033a967,000007f7,01027e3c "Unexpected Error While
Executing Line %d ( %ws ) of %ws \n",0033b198) ret=0106b900
--- snip ---
After fixing this problem the condition is satisfied.
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Bug #: 34217
Summary: MS XPSEP GUI installer crashes if dotnet20 installed
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.0
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Keywords: download, Installer
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: kennybobs(a)
Blocks: 32164, 32166, 32167, 32168
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 45524
Wine 1.7.0 console output
The Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack (XPSEP) GUI installer
fails 100% of the time when dotnet20 is first installed in a clean WINEPREFIX.
err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"EPUpdateInstallAction"
returned 1627
err:msi:custom_get_thread_return Invalid Return Code 3
Affects Winetricks in multiple verbs.
1. winetricks dotnet20
2. Install.
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Summary: winspool.drv needs to properly handle local printer
server config data queries (XPSEPSC update/installer)
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.27
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: spooler
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
that component is a needed prerequisite for .NET 3.0 Framework SP1, 3.5, 3.5
Fortunately can be reproduced without all the .NET installer mess: clean
WINEPREFIX, run the installer from link.
Local printer server has no name associated with it (NULL), leading to later
problem when querying for registry data.
--- snip ---
0032:Call KERNEL32.CreateProcessA(00000000,0015a5e8
003b:Call winspool.drv.OpenPrinterW(00000000,0033f8a0,00000000) ret=0102ed15
003b:trace:winspool:OpenPrinterW ((null), 0x33f8a0, (nil))
003b:trace:winspool:OpenPrinterW returning 1 with 0 and 0x1
003b:Ret winspool.drv.OpenPrinterW() retval=00000001 ret=0102ed15
003b:Call winspool.drv.GetPrinterDataW(00000001,01004ad8
L"DefaultSpoolDirectory",00000000,00000000,00000000,0033f8a8) ret=0102ed82
003b:trace:winspool:GetPrinterDataExW (0x1, L"PrinterDriverData",
L"DefaultSpoolDirectory" (nil), (nil), 00000000, 0x33f8a8)
003b:Ret winspool.drv.GetPrinterDataW() retval=00000006 ret=0102ed82
003b:Call KERNEL32.GetLastError() ret=01021138
003b:Ret KERNEL32.GetLastError() retval=00000000 ret=01021138
003b:Call KERNEL32.MultiByteToWideChar(00000000,00000008,0033f718 "Unexpected
return value.",00000100,0033f518,00000100) ret=0105ec7c
003b:Ret KERNEL32.MultiByteToWideChar() retval=00000100 ret=0105ec7c
003b:Call KERNEL32.RaiseException(e06d7363,00000001,00000003,0033f810)
003b:trace:seh:raise_exception code=e06d7363 flags=1 addr=0x7b84303a
ip=7b84303a tid=003b
003b:trace:seh:raise_exception info[0]=19930520
003b:trace:seh:raise_exception info[1]=0033f83c
003b:trace:seh:raise_exception info[2]=01086754
003b:trace:seh:raise_exception eax=7b82cb69 ebx=7b8d091c ecx=00000000
edx=0033f7fc esi=0033f7fc edi=0033f770
003b:trace:seh:raise_exception ebp=0033f758 esp=0033f6f4 cs=0023 ds=002b
es=002b fs=0063 gs=006b flags=00000246
003b:Call KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringA(01002aec "Invalid parameter passed to C
runtime function.\n") ret=01022579
003b:Ret KERNEL32.OutputDebugStringA() retval=ffffffff ret=01022579
--- snip ---
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Bug ID: 48354
Summary: Some patches may require forcing a wineprefix update
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
The TestBot updates the wineprefixes when it updates its base Wine source from
the daily Wine commits. The rest of the time it lets Wine deal with updating
the wineprefix is necessary. Furthermore Wine only updates the wineprefix when
wine.inf changes, which is the case for every Wine release.
The problem is that the wineprefix should also be updated when a patchset adds
a WINE_REGISTRY resource to an existing dll. Failing to do so may cause the
patchset tests to fail because the wineprefix is out of date.
Wineprefix updates are relatively slow compared to the execution time of most
tests (about 30s vs. < 1s) so it would be good not to have to do that for every
task. An alternative would be to force a wineprefix update when a task has
failures and gets rerun as a result (pass an option to the relevant VM-side
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