Bug ID: 38892
Summary: Please support more architectures.
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other
OS: Linux
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P2
Component: loader
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: ytrezq(a)
Distribution: ---
It might sound useless but the WINAPI supported Itanium PPC MIPSR4000 and dec
alpha in the past.
While windows doesn't provide updates for those platforms, compiling programs
written for the WINAPI to those arch is the best way to get decent speeds (not
to add the need of support for ARC firmware which prevent running them on
recent ppc).
Of course this is not for emulating instructions sets but for running windows
programs natively on those platforms.
For testing on x86 an ARC bios for MIPS which can work on qemu is documented
Visual C++ RISC editions for those platforms are available here
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Bug ID: 53573
Summary: Warcraft III Reforged has black main menu
Product: Wine
Version: 7.15
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: kolAflash(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 72950
STDOUT/STDERR log when warcraft-iii-reforged- is starting an
switching to black main menu
Last night (2022-08-18) Blizzard released an update for Warcraft III Reforged
from version 1.32.x to
Since then the main menu of the game is just black!
But I can hear the sound of the main menu.
I attached a STDOUT/STDERR log.
Version 1.32.x of the game was running fine using wine-staging-7.14.
(didn't test any other wine version before)
Wine versions I just tried:
OS: Debian-11
GPU: Radeon RX 590
Neither standard Wine D3D11 OpenGL based implementation (WineD3D) nor DXVK is
Maybe slightly related:
Warcraft III: staying in menus quickly gobs all system memory
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Bug #: 34708
Summary: Silent Hill 4: The Room don't run in terminal.
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.4
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: critical
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 46270
01 terminal output
This game don't start via terminal. BUT!
When i just starting it by clicking on the .desktop file, it runs! This
behavior is pretty interesting. Of cource, this game crushes even if start by
clicking on desktop label. But if we want to see what stubs happens in game, we
should before fix terminal behavior.
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Bug ID: 50789
Summary: Affinity Photo 1.9.1 installer crashes
Product: Wine
Version: 6.2
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: critical
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: game.jaegers(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 69595
terminal output
>> wine --version
wine-6.2 (Staging)
Get the trial installer here:
Maybe someone can get an link?
>> sha1sum affinity-photo-1.9.1.exe
f68d5fcd52e58a1501ab1ff7b4eb35ac8422f863 affinity-photo-1.9.1.exe
I only used these commands:
export WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/photo
wine wineboot -i
wine '/home/estebanium/Downloads/affinity-photo-1.9.1.exe'
I know from older testing, that the installer needs at least dotnet45. Since
Wine 5.12 installing dotnet45 via winetricks is a pain. If you achieved to
install dotnet45 via winetricks, affinity installer want to install the update
to dotnet472.
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Bug ID: 45493
Summary: SRPG Studio games fail to run
Product: Wine
Version: 3.13
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: jscript
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: galtgendo(a)
Distribution: ---
AFAICT, all SRPG Studio (an engine: games fail to
run without setting up WINEDLLOVERRIDES="jscript=n".
Lets use Vestaria Saga as an example (download link on
Without native jscript, all that happens after launching it is an error dialog
with string 'A-Phese 7'.
The whole of builtin jscript debug log is short and not all that helpful:
0085:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventSetInformation (deadbeef, 2, 0x4ca7c0, 43) stub
0085:trace:jscript:DllMain (0x7cda0000 8 (nil))
0085:trace:jscript:DllMain (0x7cda0000 1 (nil))
0085:trace:jscript:DllGetClassObject (CLSID_JScript
{00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x33f6c8)
0085:trace:jscript:ClassFactory_QueryInterface (0x7ce3dc50)->(IID_IClassFactory
0085:trace:jscript:ClassFactory_AddRef (0x7ce3dc50)
0085:trace:jscript:JScriptFactory_CreateInstance ((nil)
{bb1a2ae1-a4f9-11cf-8f20-00805f2cd064} 0x33f6c4)
0085:trace:jscript:JScript_QueryInterface (0x7b0f4040)->(IID_IActiveScript
0085:trace:jscript:JScript_AddRef (0x7b0f4040) ref=2
0085:trace:jscript:JScript_Release (0x7b0f4040) ref=1
0085:trace:jscript:ClassFactory_Release (0x7ce3dc50)
0085:trace:jscript:JScript_SetScriptSite (0x7b0f4040)->(0x19c7e0)
0085:trace:jscript:JScript_AddNamedItem (0x7b0f4040)->(L"root" 42)
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Bug ID: 50196
Summary: can not copy words between wine apps and ubuntu apps
Product: Wine
Version: 5.0.3
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: blocker
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: roybevan(a)
Distribution: ---
wine app: source insight && notepad++
ubuntu app: text editor and all other apps
I can not copy the words form notepad++ to text editor, it’s the same the other
way round,but I can copy words form notepad++ to sourceinsight
If I reboot the system, it would be okay, then I don't know when this will
happen again
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Bug ID: 46787
Summary: Notepad++ rather slow (GetLocaleInfoEx)
Product: Wine
Version: 4.2
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: linuxhippy(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 63803
sysprof profile screenshot
Running Notepad++-7.6.3 on wine is a rather painful experience, as Notepad++ is
rather slow. When keeping a key pressed, characters appear in blocks and
Notepad++ consumes 90% cpu.
Please see the sysprof profile attached, it seems a lot of time is spent inside
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Bug ID: 52691
Summary: FL Studio 20.9.1 Freezes on start-up
Product: Wine
Version: 7.0
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: miguelag2001(a)
Distribution: ---
When I launch FL Studio 20.9.1, the main window displays, but freezes before I
can interact with it. I am unable to do anything with the program. It also
won't close unless I force kill it in my task manager.
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Summary: wine hangs & jumps up to 100% processor load
Product: Wine
Version: 1.2-rc5
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: axel.braun(a)
Running wine-1.1.48_1.2rc5-1.1, i downloaded the demo from, a race
management software.
So far it works well, I created a race, two participants, entered start and end
time, but when I come to the result list creation, the load goes up to 100%,
and caused a hang of the X-session once.
At this point it seems to load a HTML-page that was dynamically generated. wine
did not submit any error message when started from console.
Let me know what I can do to come to a more verbose error output.
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Bug ID: 46039
Summary: Paint.NET doesn't install
Product: Wine
Version: 3.18
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: comdlg32
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: hildogjr(a)
Distribution: ---
Paint.NET 4.1
doesn't install in Wine 3.18, possible problem with Framework.NET that the
software installer try to install during the main installation.
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