Summary: CreateProcess handles are inherited even when
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.2
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: minor
Priority: P2
Component: kernel32
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: ben(a)
Created an attachment (id=18729)
--> (
The attached file uses CreateProcess to create a subprocess (gzip in this case)
with redirected standard output. In order for this to work properly, the output
handle created in this code must be inherited by the subprocess - thus the
bInheritHandles argument to CreateProcess must be TRUE. And indeed if this
program is compiled to test-true.exe, a simple text file '' and the gzip
binary are placed in the same directory, and then test-true.exe is run, it
successfully produces the output test.gz.
If the TRUE argument is switched to FALSE and the file is compiled again to
test-false.exe, when the program is run in the same way on a 'real' Windows
sytem (32 bit Vista Business in this case) the following is output:
gzip: stdout: Bad file descriptor
This is also fine and expected, since the output file handle was not passed to
gzip. *However* if the same test-false.exe program is run with Wine (the Fedora
10 wine-core-1.1.12-1.fc10.i386 package in this case) it runs in just the same
way as test-true.exe, generating the test.gz output.
This suggests to me that the bInheritHandles argument is ignored by Wine. As
stated, this is a minor bug but it would be nice if Wine behaved the same way
as Windows here. (In our case we discovered this problem after we tested our
program successfully under Wine, but then had it fail on a real Windows
system.) I am not familiar with the code, but hopefully it should be
straightforward enough to provide the subprocess with invalid handles if
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Bug ID: 49195
Summary: Multiple 4k demoscene OpenGL demos crash on startup
(failure to lookup atom 0xC019 'static' from global
atom tables)
Product: Wine
Version: 5.8
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: user32
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: focht(a)
Distribution: ---
Hello folks,
extracted from bug 48898
My comment:
--- quote ---
To me it looks like bug 18490 ("Multiple games fail to set pixel format on D3D
device context created on desktop window (Empire: Total War, Napoleon: Total
War, Utopia City)") but for GL device context on the desktop window.
According to online information it's not allowed to do any rendering using this
context but enough to call functions like glGetString() etc.
Maybe some of the Wine graphics folks could weigh in with an opinion if this
limitation is already known / tracked in a bug?
--- quote ---
Henri's answer:
--- quote ---
I'm not aware of an existing bug report for this issue, no. It does strike me
as similar to bug 36506 though, and it would not particularly surprise me if
wglGetProcAddress() is supposed to return results consistent with
GL_EXTENSIONS/GL_VERSION here, even without a current GL context.
I seem to recall having established in the context of bug 18490 that creating a
GL context (or more specifically, setting a pixel format) on the desktop window
is indeed supposed to fail. In any case, this seems like of of those bugs that
would benefit from tests to establish what's supposed to happen.
--- quote ---
Turns out this was a side-effect of an earlier problem.
It was not supposed to be GetDC(NULL) (Desktop window).
--- snip ---
$ WINEDEBUG=+seh,+relay,+server,+class,+win,+msg wine ./End\ of\ time\ 720p.exe
>>log.txt 2>&1
0024:Call user32.ChangeDisplaySettingsA(00421288,00000004) ret=004200da
0024: get_desktop_window( force=0 )
0024: get_desktop_window() = 0 { top_window=00010020, msg_window=00010026 }
0024:Ret user32.ChangeDisplaySettingsA() retval=00000000 ret=004200da
0024:Ret KERNEL32.CreateThread() retval=00000080 ret=004200ee
00bc: *fd* 17 <- 38
00bc: init_thread( unix_pid=3683, unix_tid=3729, debug_level=1, teb=7ffd4000,
entry=004201ca, reply_fd=15, wait_fd=17, cpu=x86 )
0024:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx (null) #c019 ex=00000000 style=91000000 0,0
0x0 parent=(nil) menu=(nil) inst=(nil) params=(nil)
00bc: init_thread() = 0 { pid=0020, tid=00bc, server_start=1d62d3b280579be
(-2.9701360), info_size=0, version=603, all_cpus=00000003, suspend=0 }
0024:trace:win:dump_window_styles style: WS_POPUP WS_VISIBLE WS_MAXIMIZE
0024:trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle:
00bc:Starting thread proc 0x4201ca (arg=0x4304e8)
0024: create_window( parent=00010020, owner=00000000, atom=c019,
instance=00000000, dpi=96, awareness=2, class=L"" )
0024: create_window() = INVALID_HANDLE { handle=00000000, parent=00000000,
owner=00000000, extra=0, class_ptr=00000000, dpi=0, awareness=0 }
0024:warn:win:create_window_handle error 6 creating window
0024:trace:class:GetClassInfoExW (nil) #c019 0x1518f9e0
0024:trace:class:CLASS_FindClass #c019 0x7e910000 -> not found
0024:Ret user32.CreateWindowExA() retval=00000000 ret=004200f4
--- snip ---
The failing window creation resulted in NULL handle which got passed to
--- snip ---
0024:Call user32.GetDC(00000000) ret=004200fb
0024:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x10020, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00000003
0024: get_visible_region( window=00010020, flags=00000013 )
0024: get_visible_region() = 0 { top_win=00010020, top_rect={-1920,0;-1919,1},
win_rect={0,0;3200,1080}, paint_flags=00000001, total_size=16,
region={{-1920,0;1280,1080}} }
0024:Ret winex11.drv.GetDC() retval=00000001 ret=7e97bd3e
0024:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x10020,(nil),0x13): returning 0x30039 (updated)
0024:Ret user32.GetDC() retval=00030039 ret=004200fb
--- snip ---
Well, the rest of the OpenGL story is known and the current behaviour makes
Back to the actual problem...
The creation of the window which ought the be used for OpenGL context/rendering
fails because atom 0xc019 can't be found/resolved.
I should have looked more carefully at the trace log and the demo disassembly.
--- snip ---
004200B6 | xor esi,esi |
004200B8 | push esi |
004200B9 | push esi |
004200BA | push esi |
004200BB | push esi |
004200BC | push esi |
004200BD | push esi |
004200BE | push esi |
004200BF | push esi |
004200C0 | push esi |
004200C1 | push 91000000 |
004200C6 | push esi |
004200C7 | push C019 | global atom!
004200CC | push esi |
004200CD | push 4 |
004200CF | push end of time 720p.421288 |
004200D4 | call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.ChangeDisplaySettingsA>] |
004200DA | push esi |
004200DB | push esi |
004200DC | push end of time 720p.4304E8 |
004200E1 | push end of time 720p.4201CA |
004200E6 | push esi |
004200E7 | push esi |
004200E8 | call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.CreateThread>] |
004200EE | call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.CreateWindowExA>] | fails
004200F4 | push eax |
004200F5 | call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.GetDC>] |
004200FB | mov edi,eax |
004200FD | mov dword ptr ds:[3AB08EC],eax |
00420102 | push esi |
00420103 | push edi |
00420104 | push esi |
00420105 | push end of time 720p.42125C |
0042010A | push edi |
0042010B | call dword ptr ds:[<&gdi32.ChoosePixelFormat>] |
00420111 | push eax |
00420112 | push edi |
00420113 | call dword ptr ds:[<&gdi32.SetPixelFormat>] |
00420119 | call dword ptr ds:[<&opengl32.wglCreateContext>] |
0042011F | push eax |
00420120 | push edi |
00420121 | call dword ptr ds:[<&opengl32.wglMakeCurrent>] |
00420127 | call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.ShowCursor>] |
0042012D | call end of time 720p.4202CC |
--- snip ---
The demoscene guys are crazy and fight for each saved byte ;-)
Courtesy of:
--- quote ---
I was able to get 4 bytes off of a test 1k intro (Peach GLSL Shader of Japan)
by replacing the "edit" string with 0xC018, making it 1006 bytes instead of
1010. Nice.
...and then I got it down to 1004 bytes, because now "test eax, eax" compressed
better than "test ax, ax", which used to compress better sometime before this
newest change. ;) This 1k intro business is crazy, you'd really need some kind
of brute-force code masher that tries all possible combinations of code that
perform the same thing.
--- quote ---
--- quote ---
That´s mine since 2009 using DirectX9...someone told me using "static" instead
of "edit" would be better back then in some other thread...was iq if i remember
The ATOM for "static" is 0xC019 btw, but be warned: it added 7 bytes here in my
first test, opposed to chopping off 4 bytes in case of "edit".
--- quote ---
--- quote ---
Oh, shit...i did the test the wrong way around...meaning the ATOM actually
chopped off 7 bytes in case of "static" vs. "0xC019" :/ :D
Yay, thanks for the nice trick, man! :)
--- quote ---
Also relevant, shows dump of global and typical local atom tables:…
Wine source:…
--- snip ---
407 /***********************************************************************
408 * CLASS_FindClass
409 *
410 * Return a pointer to the class.
411 */
412 static CLASS *CLASS_FindClass( LPCWSTR name, HINSTANCE hinstance )
413 {
414 static const WCHAR comctl32W[] =
415 struct list *ptr;
416 ATOM atom = get_int_atom_value( name );
418 GetDesktopWindow(); /* create the desktop window to trigger builtin
class registration */
420 if (!name) return NULL;
422 name = CLASS_GetVersionedName( name, NULL, NULL, TRUE );
424 for (;;)
425 {
426 USER_Lock();
428 LIST_FOR_EACH( ptr, &class_list )
429 {
430 CLASS *class = LIST_ENTRY( ptr, CLASS, entry );
431 if (atom)
432 {
433 if (class->atomName != atom) continue;
434 }
435 else
436 {
437 if (strcmpiW( class->name, name )) continue;
438 }
439 if (!class->local || class->hInstance == hinstance)
440 {
441 TRACE("%s %p -> %p\n", debugstr_w(name), hinstance,
442 return class;
443 }
444 }
445 USER_Unlock();
447 if (atom) break;
448 if (!is_comctl32_class( name )) break;
449 if (GetModuleHandleW( comctl32W )) break;
450 if (!LoadLibraryW( comctl32W )) break;
451 TRACE( "%s retrying after loading comctl32\n", debugstr_w(name) );
452 }
454 TRACE("%s %p -> not found\n", debugstr_w(name), hinstance);
455 return NULL;
456 }
--- snip ---…
$ sha1sum
$ du -sh
$ wine --version
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Bug ID: 47028
Summary: WinSCP hosts list missing indentation
Product: Wine
Version: 4.6
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Mac OS X
Status: NEW
Keywords: download, source
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: gijsvrm(a)
CC: jr98(a)
Created attachment 64194
terminal output, +message log, screenshots
On windows there is space between the edge of the box and the icons.
To reproduce, run WinSCP.exe and you can see the hosts list on the left.
Attached is a zip containing terminal output, a +message log and screenshots
for comparison.
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Bug ID: 54397
Summary: Wine does not populate prefixes with 32-bit dlls
Product: Wine
Version: 7.22
Hardware: x86-64
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: ntdll
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: eralegrid(a)
Starting from Wine 7.22, Wine doesn't copy any 32-bit files into new prefixes.
For a 32-bit prefix, only system.reg/user.reg/user.reg and a bunch of empty
directories are created.
For a 64-bit prefix, things appear to be normal aside from
$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/syswow64 being empty.
It seems this situation started with commit
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Summary: Date and Time display
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: rx9tx(a)
Created an attachment (id=13813)
--> (
wine window
The problem is that in a Windows application running in Wine the date and time
displayed as digit like 39591.6425810185 instead of May-23-2008, 15:25, see
pictures and .
Same about the frequency value 0000000000028.012100 in mHz (28.0121 mhz) is
shown like 298112000.0. I dont know what kind of database is used, but it has
the .isd extension, also .isf, .ism, .isl files are present.
Here's the excerption from the database with the data shown on the pics:
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Bug ID: 50338
Summary: Open/save dialog don't show current folder path.
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: comdlg32
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: ltgustavsen(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 68924
Screenshot from linux. Missing folder path.
The opening/save dialog in Picture Window 8 from doesn't work as
expected. There is no way to see which folder I’m in. The green back arrows on
the top don’t work when I open the default catalog. I have to start each time
in the left sidebar and browse to the correct directory. If I do so, the arrows
I have attached some screenshots. And a debug file.
I have tested with wine-5.0.3 and wine-6.0-rc2
I have installed Picture Window this way
winetricks vcrun2019
wine msiexec /i Picture\ Window\ Pro.msi
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Bug ID: 44016
Summary: Improve path handling in Open and Save dialogs
Product: Wine
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P2
Component: comdlg32
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: kolan_n(a)
Distribution: ---
Current open and save dialogs have large usability issues.
1 When I paste a path of a folder into it to make it open that folder in itself
it doesn't work and writes an error.
2 I also expect this dialog to accept the absolute path in linux rootfs.
3 I also expect it to show a drop-down menu as in Windows.
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Bug ID: 42645
Summary: File dialog usability
Product: Wine
Version: 1.9.20
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: shell32
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: freddi34(a)
Distribution: ---
When working with project files across different programs (e.g. Linux/OS X
program and Windows program through Wine), users usually have to access the
same locations and files. Quick file access and navigation is essential for
productivity. If Wine's goal is not to be a bottom-of-the-drawer academic
project, but actually useful, it must sufficiently integrate with the
non-Windows desktop that its users are using.
Example workflow:
A 1. Native file manager (e.g. Nautilus) is opened at /home/username/folder1
2. User wants to open file1.ext from this folder in a Wine program through
the file open dialog.
B 1. User creates a file2.ext in a Wine program, opens the file save dialog
and wants to save it in the same location (folder1).
2. File save dialog is opened at a path deep in the virtual C: drive
The file save dialog's location may be controlled by the Windows
application or where it was opened the last time.
Wine's file open/save dialog has significantly worse usability than any
GTK/KDE/OS X file dialog or even Windows' own.
- It is more likely not opened where the user needs it (since working
- Navigation is only possible by one step up (green up arrow button) or by
going multiple steps up towards the file system root (scrollable dropdown) and
then navigating step by step down in the native system's file tree.
- Double-click is cumbersome and leads repeatedly to accidental renamings or
wrong selections.
Wine's open/save dialogs should allow faster changing between commonly used
locations. This should be supported through:
- editable address (would allow to paste a complete path and press enter)
- droppable for native paths (drag&drop a folder from a native file manager,
this is commonly supported in e.g. GTK)
- persistent list of recently openend locations in this WINEPREFIX
While these are platform-agnostic, more comfort can be achieved by further
integrating with the desktop (Gnome/KDE/OS X):
- integrate with the desktop's bookmarks through Free Desktop Standard
- integrate with the desktop's recent locations
- (native file dialogs)
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Bug #: 35062
Summary: FarCry3 : graphical glitches
Product: Wine
Version: 1.7.8
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: directx-d3d
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: berillions(a)
Classification: Unclassified
Created attachment 46762
Graphical glitches on see
There is a graphical bug when i play at FarCry3. this bug appears only when you
look the sea.
As you can see in the screenshot, it seems that the map is drawn in the sea.
I think it's not a problem about the sun/moon light reflections on the sea,
they're correctly drawn (not viewable in the screenshot)
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Summary: Arcanum essentially unusable due to graphics errors
Product: Wine
Version: 1.2
Platform: x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: alex.richardson(a)
When playing Arcanum, the issue shown by the screenshot happens as soon as you
attempt to scroll the view.
It seems that it only happens when scrolling to the top, left right and down
seem to be fine.
I know this did not happen with older versions of Wine ~1 year ago.
For testing purposes there is a demo of the game available here:
If you need any other information please tell me, I'm quite new to reporting
bugs in Wine.
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