Bug ID: 49780
Summary: wineconsole reports VT sequence support when it does
Product: Wine
Version: 5.16
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: cmd
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: magiblot(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 68092
Demo application to reproduce the issue
Wineconsole does not support applications writing Virtual Terminal sequences
through the Console API. That's fine. However, when enabling the console
ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING mode on stdout with SetConsoleMode, no error
is returned, so the application has no way to detect whether VT sequences are
supported or not. This is documented in
The port of Turbo Vision at is affected by
this. When using the Console API, Turbo Vision prefers VT sequences over
SetConsoleCursorPosition/SetConsoleTextAttribute for code reusability and
performance. Nevertheless, it can fall back to the latter method when
SetConsoleMode fails to enable either ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING or
DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN. Since SetConsoleMode does not return error on
wineconsole, garbage is shown instead of a colorful interface.
To reproduce the issue on Turbo Vision:
(A) - Using the attached 'tvdemo.exe'
1. Run the application on wineconsole. You should see a black-and-white
background and escape sequences drawn on the console.
2. Press Alt+F, then D. You should see the command prompt, and the message "VT
enabled" at the top, which demonstrates the issue in SetConsoleMode.
(B) - Compiling from source code (requires up-to-date CMake and MSVC).
1. Insert the following code after line 63 in source/linux/win32con.cpp
if (supportsVT)
cerr << "VT enabled" << endl;
cerr << "VT not enabled: " << GetLastError() << endl;
2. Follow the build instructions at…
3. Follow the steps in (A).
On Windows, support for VT sequences can be disabled by turning on the "Legacy
Console" mode. If tvdemo.exe is ran in these conditions, the interface is
displayed properly. If entering the command prompt by pressing Alt+F, then D,
the message "VT not enabled: 87" is displayed (error 87 stands for
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER), which is what should be shown on wineconsole as well,
since it clearly does not support VT sequences.
Thank you!
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Summary: [oblivion] can not skip the intro movie by press ESC
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.8
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: major
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: wangbinrobin(a)
when runing Oblivion on Windows, we can skip the intro movie by pressing ESC,
but when runing Oblivion by wine, we can not skip it by ESC. it is quite a long
time to wait the intro movie end.
The graphic card I use is ATI Radeon 2600, driver 8.10
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Bug ID: 54295
Summary: Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams Can't
Locate Base Game Data After Installation
Product: Wine
Version: 8.0-rc3
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: rjtulloh(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 73863
Log file produced by the expansion when it can't find the base game's files.
Shard of Dreams is an expansion to Touhou Puppet Dance Performance by developer
FocasLens. In order to be played, the base game needs to be installed on the
same system as the expansion.
On Windows, the expansion can be launched immediately after:
- Installing the base game
- Installing the expansion
Using Wine, the expansion won't launch after running the same installers.
The expansion can be launched by adding a symbolic link with the name "notkey"
in the expansion's installation folder which points to the base game folder.
But this workaround is not needed on Windows.
The expansion also produces an error log when launched without the notkey link.
The log is attached.
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Bug ID: 45871
Summary: Several apps in .NET472 crash with unhandled
exception.\nException at
h()\n at
d3dcompiler works around it)
Product: Wine
Version: 3.16
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Keywords: dotnet, download
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: directx-d3d
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: xerox.xerox2000x(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 62374
part of crashlog
Seen this for a bunch of programs while trying to run them with installed
The bug seems to be hidden for several apps as they ship their owm
d3dcompiler_47, but some don`t I found out, and they crash
Something like:
01c2:fixme:d3dcompiler:make_assignment Check for casts in the lhs.
01c2:err:d3dcompiler:compile_shader HLSL shader parsing failed.
01c2:err:ntdll:vDbgPrintExWithPrefix 65: MIL FAILURE: Unexpected HRESULT
0x88760b59 in caller: intermediate rendering error
01c2:err:ntdll:vDbgPrintExWithPrefix 65: MIL FAILURE: Unexpected HRESULT
0x88760b59 in caller: The render thread failed unexpectedly.
Then crash
Example: Slackinstaller.exe:
winetricks dotnet452 win7 corefonts, then start installer with builtin
d3dcomiler_47 works fine.
winetricks dotnet472 win7 corefonts, then start installer with builtin
d3dcomiler_47 --> crash
(Note: for Slackinstller one also needs Staging-patches for bug 40613)
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Bug ID: 52879
Summary: Improve software components also for using
Product: Wine
Version: 7.7
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: Markus.Elfring(a)
Distribution: ---
I have tried the tool “SysInspector” out together with the software
“Wine 7.7-1449.4”.
Markus_Elfring@Sonne:~> wine
00c4:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver
L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SecDrv": c0000142
003c:fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"SecDrv"
failed to start: 1114
011c:fixme:nls:RtlGetThreadPreferredUILanguages 00000038, 000000000011F704,
000000000011F720 000000000011F700
011c:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x38 000000000011F704
000000000011F720 000000000011F700) returning a dummy value (current locale)
011c:fixme:winspool:PerfOpen (null): stub
011c:fixme:winspool:PerfCollect L"2", 000000000011DFE8, 000000000011DFCC,
000000000011DFD0: stub
011c:fixme:winspool:PerfClose stub
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF at address
000000014002D07B (thread 0134), starting debugger...
0074:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (0x5a7b0, 0): stub
0074:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0000000000010020, 000000000005A7B0): stub
0148:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (0x47e00, 1): stub
0140:fixme:dbghelp:interpret_function_table_entry unknown code 6
00a8:err:service:process_send_command service protocol error - failed to read
pipe r = 0 count = 0!
011c:fixme:shell:InitNetworkAddressControl stub
01b4:fixme:vdmdbg:VDMEnumProcessWOW 000000000304F100: stub!
01c4:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class
01f4:fixme:service:svcctl_EnumServicesStatusExW resume handle not supported
wine: Call from 000000007B0135FE to unimplemented function
wevtapi.dll.EvtCreateRenderContext, aborting
020c:err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize
How will the chances evolve to fix remaining open issues?
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Bug ID: 52078
Summary: MusicBee: exception when attempting to drag tabs
Product: Wine
Version: 6.21
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: sangv(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 71090
The exception MusicBee gives + the console output, in a tarball
When attempting to move the tabs located near the top of the window (the ones
labelled "Music", "Now Playing", "Playlists", etc by default) MusicBee will
throw an exception. This happens on both my existing MusicBee wineprefix as
well as a fresh one, and on MusicBee versions 3.2.6804 and 3.4.7805. In
addition to happening in Wine version 6.21, the issue remains in 6.22. Both
versions of Wine were compiled from source. I'm using winetricks verbs
`windowscodecs dotnet45 mfc42 xmllite gdiplus d3dx9 vcrun2008 wmp10`. My OS is
EndeavourOS with kernel 5.15.2-zen1-1-zen. (I don't know how much of this
information is really needed but I thought it was all worth a mention just in
Attached I have both the error MusicBee provides, as well as terminal output
with debug channels warn+all as no information was printed in the terminal
without it.
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Bug ID: 49703
Summary: Ghost Recon fails to start
Product: Wine
Version: 5.14
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: opengl
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: sramey40(a)
Distribution: ---
The original Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (on CD) seems to install fine, except for
this error at the end of installation:
wine start Setup.exe
[sean@sean-pc-arch GRECON]$ 00d4:fixme:file:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock
not implemented yet
00d4:fixme:sfc:SRSetRestorePointA 02EB66F0 02EB51E0
00d4:fixme:sfc:SRSetRestorePointA 02EB66F0 02EB51E0
00d4:err:ole:CoReleaseMarshalData StdMarshal ReleaseMarshalData failed with
error 0x8001011d
But, when I try to run the game, nothing happens and this is the output on
wine start GhostRecon.exe
[sean@sean-pc-arch Ghost Recon]$ 00c0:err:winediag:wined3d_dll_init Setting
multithreaded command stream to 0.
^C marks where I hit ctrl-c to stop the process, as it seemed hung.
I'm using a 32bit wineprefix with Windows 2000 or XP.
I can't really do regression testing, as I can't get an older package of wine
to install properly, and I also can't get wine to compile for even as new a
version as wine-4.0. It complains about multiple definitions of hInstance and
fails on compiling crypt32. Only the 5.0 releases will compile, and I have this
bug in them.
I've also noticed that a lot of older games seem broken. Seems like nobody has
tested these games in a while. The latest test of the Ghost Recon CD version
recorded in the App database is wine 1.5. Recently I had somebody help me out
with Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings CD version, and we discovered that the
safedisc 1.x copy protection support was broken in wine since version 3.0 I
think. Probably a good idea to try running some old games, especially ones on
CD, to check for compatibility regressions.
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Bug ID: 54755
Summary: App jamming: Clicking on the zoom email meeting button
causes the app to jam
Product: Wine
Version: 8.4
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: 399989567(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 74251
Figure 1
Join the zoom meeting( how to apply and join the zoom meeting can refer to: #
Bug 54754 )
According to "Figure 1" and "Figure 2" can trigger the bug, resulting in the
whole application stuck, the following is an err log
> 0024:err:virtual:virtual_setup_exception stack overflow 1220 bytes in thread 0024 addr 0x7bc24170 stack 0x120b3c (0x120000-0x121000-0x220000)
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Bug ID: 53985
Summary: Notepad++ v8.4.7 Does Not Display Icons for
RightArrow, Triangle, & X
Product: Wine
Version: 7.20
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Severity: trivial
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Distribution: ---
Created attachment 73571
Notepad++ with a blank file (missing icons for manipulating the tabs)
There are three buttons for manipulating the tabs that have empty squares where
graphics should be. These appear below the window's buttons for minimize,
maximize, and close.
Compare the attachment to the link in NPP++'s site:
I'm using Fedora 37 with wine 7.20 (Staging) and NPP++ v8.4.7 for 64 bits.
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Summary: File open dialog buffer too short for multiple file
Product: Wine
Version: 0.9.49.
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: minor
Priority: P2
Component: wine-comctl32
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: freireclaudio(a)
The file open dialog seems to be using a buffer which is too short for multiple
file selection. While Windows itself has this bug/feature, wine's version is
much more annoying since I'm unable to select over 6 files usually (using long
but not excessive names).
A dynamic buffer (with a reasonable limit for security reasons perhaps) would
be preferrable, but even a bigger buffer would help.
I think windows' buffer is 4k.
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