--- Comment #40 from Caladan 2008-06-15 01:44:59 --- the lag wich gives you the elastic band effect in-game because of the high network trafic is still there in rc5. It's still very much area related, I can ride through trollshaw without any issue except on a few spots where loss goes from 0.1% to 6-10% and latency goes from 19ms to 500ms or more.
Good spot to test in trollshaw is Drauglad, lag-less 35.1S, 13,7W, move west to 35.1s and 14.0W and its lag time.
here is the info from a small test standing still at 2 specific spots:
8:24:00 I am stainding at 35.1S, 13.7W, ingame latency 18ms, loss 0,2% 8:25:00 I start to move west towards 35.2S, 14.1W 8:25:15 I reach 35.2S, 14.1W, ingame latency up to 500ms, loss 9% 8:26:15 I start to move back towards 35.1S, 13.7W 8:26:35 I reach 35.1S, 13.7W, ingame latency down to 18ms, loss still around 8%, it takes about 30sec or so for loss to get back to 0,2%
I know its a small test but it shows same as I had in Evendim, specific area will trigger it, and thus I can reproduce it as much as I want.
There no X session issues, UK server (Snowborn)