--- Comment #3 from 2011-06-01 03:18:02 CDT --- The exact stack trace of the crash is:
Backtrace: =>0 0x7cc98ed0 doc_insert_script+0x30() in mshtml (0x0032e474) 1 0x7cc6cff6 run_insert_script+0xb5() in mshtml (0x037628e8) 2 0x0032e550 (0x047c95b8) 3 0x00000002 (0x7ccf0a28) 4 0x7cc6cb30 in mshtml (+0x6cb2f) (0x7cc6df60) 5 0x00000010 (0xb94cec83)
The code in run_insert_script() is:
nsres = nsISupports_QueryInterface(script_iface, &IID_nsIDOMHTMLScriptElement, (void**)&nsscript); if(NS_FAILED(nsres)) { ERR("Could not get nsIDOMHTMLScriptElement: %08x\n", nsres); return nsres; }
So nsscript must still be NULL after calling nsISupports_QueryInterface(), and NS_FAILED(nsres) is not true.