--- Comment #6 from Christian Uceda ---
Please attach the logs In order to identify which class to be implemented.
I've added the log, but IMHO I do not think it will help much.
AutoCAD crashes when I replace comctl32.dll with the winetricks version (v5.x), but my understanding is that this is because the internal comdlg32.dll (v6.x) built-in in wine tries to call "comctl32.dll.HIMAGELIST_QueryInterface" which exists in wine's v6.x comctl32 but not in the winetricks comctl32 v5.x
When running with wine's built-in comctl32 The properties panel can't be interacted with the mouse, it does ignore the left mouse click, however when any native windows version is used it does register the left mouse clicks.
I tried further experimenting using the native comctl32.dll+comdlg32.dll version from WindowsXP (v5.82) plus native shell32.dll and shlwapi.dll as dependencies.
This makes all panels and dialogues work 100% in AutoCAD2000, so definitively looks like a bug in comctl32.dll's implementation.