--- Comment #53 from Erich E. Hoover --- (In reply to Zebediah Figura from comment #52)
... This bug is not a problem of the "Liberation fonts", but a problem caused by trying to use "Liberation Sans" in place of "Courier New" when the correct substitution is "Liberation Mono".
Liberation Mono _is_ being used for Courier New, the current replacements are ( ): Arial -> Liberation Sans Times New Roman -> Liberation Serif Courier New -> Liberation Mono Microsoft YaHei -> WenQuanYi Micro Hei
Note that it's not as simple as copying the distribution's Liberation fonts into place. We actually need the font files themselves to have the names "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Courier New" instead of their normal names, which means they need to be built specially.
^^ This. So, we either have to build the font ahead of time (the way we do it now) or we have to deploy a program to the end-user to rebuild the font with the new name (really tricky).