--- Comment #16 from Bernd Kosmahl --- Hej Jeroen, i fiddled a lot with my settings and I experience the problem again now too :-(
It creepes in with time though and is not related to NSC dialogs at all.
It may have started again when I removed the DWORD entry MaxVersionGL that gives us (NVIDIA) ugly black terrain textures in Verden but seems to be required for Mesa to fix exactly this.
I don't know how to display the frame rate
If you have only one display you can install "osd_cat" and run Wine like this:
WINEDEBUG=-all,+fps wine witcher3.exe 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr | grep --line-buffered "^trace:fps:" | osd_cat -l 5
If you've a second display run a terminal on it and run it just with WINEDEBUG=-all,+fps wine witcher3.exe
Hint: osd will cost you some frames too.
I'm using wine-staging 2.19 with the NVidia 384.90 drivers.
BTW: I confirmed GPU starvation by running nvidia-smi in a similar way. It's mostly bored at ~45%. Overclocking my old i7-2700k helps a little.
I also fiddled with my user.settings (Documents/The Witcher 3/). GrassDensity=1 gave me a real great FPS boost. Further boosts (but really ugly trees) gives GrassDistanceScale=0.01, FoliageDistanceScale=0.01, FoliageShadowDistanceScale=0.1. Now I can usually "run" just fine within the game. Even in crowded places. As long as it is not raining. The moment it starts to rain I get this input lag until almost impossible controls in thunderstorms. Mayhap some pointers to find a mix that makes it playable for you.