--- Comment #6 from C. Leu --- Thanks Bernhard Übelacker for the bisection of the hang. This is really a nice finding.
Whatever, apart from the hang on exit PSP9 Pro really works amazing. And it runs interestingly better with the built-in gdiplus file than with the native one. There seems to exist only a minor flaw with selections. The screen-output freezes for a short time after a selected area is moved for more than two or three pixels. This is true for both, built-in and native. But that's another problem for which I may probably open an new issue report. ;-)
And yeah the printing function seems to be non-functional. PSP9 Pro is complaining about a missing mfc42.dll file but it even does not print when it has a native one. (Could be another regression as no such issue was reported for Wine 1.7.20.)