--- Comment #1 from François Gouget --- w10pro64v2004 -------------
When starting up the live snapshot a Windows Update process takes a lot of CPU. Maybe Windows is installing an update it had downloaded just before a data cap was added to the network connection and the snapshot was taken.
Also there is a lot of network traffic despite Windows showing that 0 MB of the data cap has been used. Even just the bitrate is suspiciously high (>1Gbps sustained for 10+ seconds). The source of this traffic is not clear. Windows Defender clearly is downloading some virus database updates but there seems to be too much traffic for it to be just that.
w10pro64 --------
When starting up the live snapshot there is a notification that "We can't finish downloading your update". There is also quite a bit of CPU usage from windows update processes. Presumably Windows had started downloading some update when a data cap was added to the network connection and the snapshot was taken.