--- Comment #12 from Alexandre Julliard --- (In reply to Sebastian Lackner from comment #11)
(In reply to Alexandre Julliard from comment #9)
trace:process:create_process_impl app (null) cmdline L"explorer "/desktop=WormsArmageddon,640x480" "C:\Team17\Worms Armageddon\WA.exe" /novirtualdesktop"
The /desktop option is incorrectly quoted. How did you install the application?
This seems to be caused by a wine-specific hack included in Worms Amageddon. See
""" [CS] A new compatibility setting for Wine has been added, Force Wine virtual desktop (ForceWineVirtualDesktop_On.reg). When this setting is enabled, W:A will automatically relaunch itself in a virtual desktop, by running “explorer "/desktop=640x480,Worms Armageddon" [WA.exe's full command-line] /novirtualdesktop”. (The /novirtualdesktop switch is used to temporarily override the effect of the setting, thus preventing W:A from entering into an endless loop.) """
That's pretty sad :-(