--- Comment #1 from Dan Kegel 2008-12-24 11:09:35 --- The app's author said in bug 14120 ["Times New Roman" is missing or too large (Scrollbars in exercise Windows)] This is the same problem. To see what he means, start the app, click on the lower left button "Programm Starten", then click on the outline to open up items 1, 1.1, and 1.1.2. Double click on "1.1.2 Veranschaulichung grosser Zahlen". Click on the button "Übung 2" at the bottom. A window titled "Abschnitt 1.1 Übung 2" will pop up. Without "winetricks corefonts", it looks pretty awful because the fonts are too big, causing the window to have scrollbars and not show all data without scrolling.
With "winetricks corefonts", it looks good. See the attached screenshots.
"sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts" works just as well as "winetricks corefonts" for this app.