--- Comment #256 from 2012-10-19 02:44:48 CDT --- I did some more reliable tests, using the /timetest slash command and flying from Seven Stars to Serpent Spine. This way all moving player/non player characters are not rendered during flight, making the result more repeatable.
The game itself reports the min/max and average framerate after landing, no third party tools needed.
For the first test I did the same run with the very same settings a few times. The error of the measurement of the average framerate seems well below 1% (maybe 0.5%), for the min/max fps the error is more, maybe 5%. So the min/max values should be not compared between different tests.
min/max avg # __GL_THREADED_OPTIMISATIONS=0 wine wow -d3d9 10.0/52.0 39.3 # __GL_THREADED_OPTIMISATIONS=0 wine wow-64 -d3d9 9.3/49.8 39.1
# __GL_THREADED_OPTIMISATIONS=1 wine wow -d3d9 10.0/59.4 42.3 # __GL_THREADED_OPTIMISATIONS=1 wine wow-64 -d3d9 10.7/56.1 41.7
This looks like 8% gain in 64 bit mode and some 6% in 32 bit mode, where both modes are exactly the same speed with threaded optimizations turned off.
I noticed the CPU usage seems to always be around 160%, no matter what, and the total system load about 5% (which is 40% of a single core for a eight core system).
The settings where the way I preferred them (not some not so realistic everything off or all ultra).
Resolution: 1920x1200 AA: 4x vsync: off
Textures: high Anisotrop: 16x (anything less makes my eyes bleed) proj. tex.: on
Shadows: good Water: medium Sunshafts: off (forced by AA 4x) Particles: good (doesn't have much impact, but more and I get blind during raids) SSAO: off (forced by AA 4x)
Viewing Range: Ultra (not sure about translation) Details: Ultra Objects: Ultra
i7-2600@5Ghz, in this test running at about 4.8 GHz because only 2 cores were idle, and GTX 460@750 Mhz running on nvidia-drivers-310.14