--- Comment #1 from Vincent Povirk --- Note that a Japanese locale is necessary for these characters to be representable in ANSI encoding. Setting a Japanese locale doesn't fix the bug, though, it still passes the string in as utf8.
From a WINE_MONO_TRACE=wrapper WINEDEBUG=win log:
[00000009: 11.38921 0] ENTER:c (wrapper managed-to-native) <Module>:kmyPlatform.createWindow (int,int,*())(960, 544, 02A68B47) 0009:trace:win:alloc_winproc allocated 0xffff0024 for A 0x2a68b47 (37/4096 used) 0009:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx "\xe8\x99\x9a\xe6\xaf\x92\xe3\x83\x8e\xe5\xa4\xa2" L"kmyWGLWindowClass" ex=00000000 style=00cf0000 -2147483648,-2147483648 968x571 parent=0x10020 menu=(nil) inst=(nil) params=(nil)
From what I can tell so far, kmyPlatform is a native dll which does the
CreateWindowExA call. It's being called via a managed wrapper presumably in SharpKmyCore.dll. But we're only passing in x, y, and winproc, at least at the time the window is created. The title may have been passed in incorrectly earlier, or kmyPlatform is getting it from somewhere else.