--- Comment #41 from c3kkos 2010-10-27 05:23:17 CDT --- (In reply to comment #35)
By the way, to fix this until Wine is corrected, modify the NetCommUtilPlugin.dll file and replace this jump (address 0x1000CCFF):
jz loc_1000CDF1
with this jump:
jz loc_1000CDD6
Ken i've a problem.
The code of my NetCommUtilPlugin.dll do not match yours.
Look at this excerpt:
.text:1000CCC3 loc_1000CCC3: ; CODE XREF: sub_1000CC50+198j .text:1000CCC3 lea ecx, [esp+6A4h+timeout] .text:1000CCC7 push ecx ; timeout .text:1000CCC8 lea edx, [esp+6A8h+exceptfds] .text:1000CCCC push edx ; exceptfds .text:1000CCCD lea eax, [esp+6ACh+writefds] .text:1000CCD4 push eax ; writefds .text:1000CCD5 lea ecx, [esp+6B0h+readfds] .text:1000CCDC push ecx ; readfds .text:1000CCDD push 0 ; nfds .text:1000CCDF mov [esp+6B8h+tolen], 10h .text:1000CCE7 call ds:select .text:1000CCED test eax, eax .text:1000CCEF jz loc_1000CDE1 .text:1000CCF5 mov eax, fd .text:1000CCFA lea edx, [esp+6A4h+exceptfds] .text:1000CCFE push edx ; fd_set * .text:1000CCFF push eax ; fd .text:1000CD00 call __WSAFDIsSet .text:1000CD05 test eax, eax .text:1000CD07 jnz loc_1000CDE1 .text:1000CD0D mov edx, fd .text:1000CD13 lea ecx, [esp+6A4h+readfds] .text:1000CD1A push ecx ; fd_set * .text:1000CD1B push edx ; fd .text:1000CD1C call __WSAFDIsSet .text:1000CD21 test eax, eax .text:1000CD23 jz loc_1000CDC6 .text:1000CD29 lea eax, [esp+6A4h+tolen] .text:1000CD2D push eax ; fromlen .text:1000CD2E mov eax, fd .text:1000CD33 lea ecx, [esp+6A8h+from] .text:1000CD37 push ecx ; from .text:1000CD38 push 0 ; flags .text:1000CD3A push 0FFh ; len .text:1000CD3F lea edx, [esp+6B4h+buf] .text:1000CD46 push edx ; buf .text:1000CD47 push eax ; s .text:1000CD48 call ebp ; recvfrom .text:1000CD4A test eax, eax .text:1000CD4C jz short loc_1000CDC6 .text:1000CD4E cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh .text:1000CD51 jz loc_1000CE09 .text:1000CD57 mov edx, off_10031004 .text:1000CD5D mov eax, edx .text:1000CD5F lea esi, [eax+1] .text:1000CD62
therefore i cannot make the changes u listed before, nor i can take any values.
I guess in my case i must take care of the third jump address "loc_1000CDC6"
any ideas?
this for version comparison:
; Exported entry 1. GetPluginName
public GetPluginName GetPluginName proc near mov eax, offset aNetplugin2006_ ; "NetPlugin - 2006.04.10" retn GetPluginName endp