--- Comment #10 from oiaohm --- The issue is I wrap everything in shell scripts. There is no bug to us who do this.
Jason Edmeades running Linux commands is still possible just far more strict. Yes you have to shell script them. Put the next two lines in a file.
#!/bin/sh libreoffice "`wine winepath -u "$1"`"
Apply chmod 700 so it has executable bit.
Place this in a wine path. Yes I can do like c:\ {some odf file }and it runs.
It also gets more fun you can rename to test.exe or even libreoffice.exe. A shell script is not confused by wine with a elf binary that might be a or might not be.
Yes it possible to make a more complex script that will allow libreoffice to be passed any number of arguements and function normally.
Jason Edmeades my felling your patch should not be accepted. Linux applications don't expect or tolerate windows paths and can play up any how if don't have the posix envorment.
There is something horible you have forgot Jason Edmeades with / to unix application what way is a UNC path. Yes either \ or // or / or /\ is acceptable to be a UNC path under windows because windows treats / and\ as interchangable. So //somemachine/pathonthatmachine/win32.exe could be valid windows path to a windows executable not Unix/Linux/posix executable. You cannot sort by starting / alone.
Jason Edmeades so mixing Posix and Windows style paths its going to cause trouble.
Jason Edmeades for least trouble if anything is allowed from the linux would it should be shell something.
N.L Shell script wrapping you can still call out to libreoffice and what ever native program you need. Difference is cleaner with possible command line filtering in script between windows applications and linux applications preventing the o my wrong directory type. Yes a Linux .sh file called from wine gives a clear seperation between windows style paths and Posix style ones. Direct calling without user having to think has been a error.
N.L (BTW I can't see any reason to open wine file explorer at all - it would be much better to open preferred native linux file explorer - caja/nautilus/dolphin etc). Other than the fact windows programs cannot control Linux native programs properly. Yes a stack of windows application trigger a windows file manager to open then take control of it.
So applications using caja nautilus dolphin... has to be done on is this compadible with applications running in wine case.
N.L and Jason Edmeades the prior behavour was broken in the first place. It was breaking applications using UNC paths.
Options. 1) Mandate shell scripts(yes FAQ needs update if this is the case). 2) Add a like a native.exe to wine. That basically says what is following native is a Linux/Posix/OS X command.
/bin/sh stuff in the wine cmd shell simple dies never to return.
This should also kill off people asking to straight run Linux programs all the time. Not allowing that IPC between windows and Linux is complete alien so Windows applications cannot talk properly to control Linux applications.
Reality you wish to use a Linux program inside wine and have windows program work correctly you need a wrapper translating if it complex in the first place.