--- Comment #1 from Jörg Höhle 2009-05-26 10:15:57 --- Created an attachment (id=21331) --> ( MCM2 Demo .hlp file (1MB)
WINEDEBUG=+all,-afew shows that winhlp32 exits almost immediately after getting to the helpfile's main section, without further log messages:
trace:winhelp:MACRO_ExecuteMacro "CW(`main')" trace:winhelp:MACRO_ExecuteMacro got type void func(S) trace:winhelp:MACRO_CheckArgs Checking S trace:winhelp:MACRO_CheckArgs Got STRING <=> S trace:winhelp:MACRO_CallVoidFunc calling 0x7ec78080 with 1 pmts trace:winhelp:MACRO_CloseWindow ("main") Call KERNEL32.lstrcmpiA(0015381c "main",0015a9d8 "main") ret=7ec780d4 Ret KERNEL32.lstrcmpiA() retval=00000000 ret=7ec780d4 Call user32.DestroyWindow(00010030) ret=7ec780e6
The previously attached exception log occurs immediately after return from a nested set of DestroyWindow() calls.