Anastasius Focht changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC| | Ever confirmed|0 |1 Component|-unknown |jscript URL| | |ffxiv/inst/ffxivsetup.exe |/20190701092018/http://gdl. | | | |ffxivsetup.exe Status|UNCONFIRMED |NEW Severity|minor |normal
--- Comment #12 from Anastasius Focht --- Hello folks,
confirming. There are multiple jscript and mshtml/Wine-Gecko bugs at play here.
Adding stable link via Internet Archive:
The launcher gets stuck in a live-loop without any overrides.
--- snip --- $ pwd /home/focht/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SquareEnix/FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn/boot
$ WINEDEBUG=+mshtml,+jscript wine ./ffxivboot.exe >>log.txt 2>& ... 0118:trace:mshtml:HTMLWindow2_QueryInterface (02E30ED8)->(IID_IDispatchEx 0031EC64) 0118:trace:mshtml:HTMLWindow2_AddRef (02E30ED8) ref=19 0118:trace:jscript:Array_reduce 0118:fixme:jscript:Array_reduce Could not get length 0118:trace:mshtml:HTMLWindow2_Release (02E30ED8) ref=18 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B7E428) ref=4 0118:warn:jscript:unwind_exception Exception 800a1396 undefined in: 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 0 [unnamed]() 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 1 [unnamed](L"t"=obj(10B7E510)) 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 2 [unnamed](L"t"=str(L"reduce")) 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 3 10B7C590->[unnamed](L"t"=obj(10B7CB78), L"r"=obj(10B7C590), L"n"=obj(10ADC330)) 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 4 L"i"(L"t"=428.000000) 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 5 10AE2DD8->[unnamed](L"A"=obj(10AE2D10), L"g"=obj(10AE2DD8), L"B"=obj(10ADC330)) 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 6 L"i"(L"t"=640.000000) 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 7 L"r"() 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 8 [unnamed](L"e"=obj(10A8C400)) 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 9 [unnamed]([detached frame]) 0118:warn:jscript:print_backtrace 10 [native code] 0118:trace:jscript:throw_error 800a1396 0118:trace:jscript:set_error_location source L",n||function(){throw 1},1)}))}},function(t,n){t.exports=function(t,n,r){if(!(t instanceof n))throw TypeError("Incorrect "+(r?r+" ":"")+"invocation");return t}},,,function(t,n,r){var e=r(225),o=r(183).concat("length","prototype");n.f=Object.getOwnPropertyNames||funct"... in L"(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[8],[,,,,function(t,n,r){var e=r(9),o=r(36).f,i=r(41),u=r(38),c=r(179),f=r(223),a=r(121);t.exports=function(t,n){var r,s,p,l,v,,,d=t.stat;if(r=y?e:d?e[h]||c(h,{}):(e[h]||{}).prototype)for(s in n){if(l=n[s],p=t.noTarge"... 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B7E928) ref=1 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B7E428) ref=2 0118:trace:jscript:detach_variable_object detaching 10B7E7F8 0118:trace:jscript:prop_get L"prototype" ret obj(02EA41A0) 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (02EA41A0) ref=2 0118:trace:jscript:init_dispex 10B2AB50 (02EA41A0) 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_define_property L"number" = -2146823274.000000 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_define_property L"message" = str(L"JScript object expected") 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_define_property L"description" = str(L"JScript object expected") 0118:trace:jscript:init_dispex 10B7EAF8 (00000000) 0118:trace:jscript:ensure_prop_name creating prop L"t" flags 1c00 ... 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_define_property L"1" = accessor { get: 10B19D78 set: 00000000 } 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10AE3368) ref=3 0118:trace:jscript:interp_pop 5 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B850E0) ref=1 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B85018) ref=3 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10AE3368) ref=1 0118:trace:jscript:interp_push_acc 0118:trace:jscript:interp_setret 0118:trace:jscript:interp_ret 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B851C8) ref=1 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_free (10B851C8) 0118:trace:jscript:interp_pop 5 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B850E0) ref=0 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_free (10B850E0) 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B19D78) ref=7 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B85018) ref=2 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B19A78) ref=2 0118:trace:jscript:interp_push_acc 0118:trace:jscript:interp_jmp 2689 0118:trace:jscript:interp_pop 1 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B85018) ref=1 0118:trace:jscript:interp_ident L"r" 0118:trace:jscript:identifier_eval L"r" 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_get_id not found L"r" 0118:trace:jscript:identifier_eval returning ref 74 for 0 0118:trace:jscript:interp_str L"call" 0118:trace:jscript:interp_memberid 0 0118:trace:jscript:DispatchEx_Release (10B84BC8) ref=3 0118:trace:jscript:interp_local 0: L"t" 0118:trace:jscript:interp_ident L"s" 0118:trace:jscript:identifier_eval L"s" 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_get_id not found L"s" 0118:trace:jscript:identifier_eval returning ref 76 for 2 0118:trace:jscript:interp_ident L"p" 0118:trace:jscript:identifier_eval L"p" 0118:trace:jscript:jsdisp_get_id not found L"p" 0118:trace:jscript:identifier_eval returning ref 77 for 3 0118:trace:jscript:interp_call_member 3 0 0118:trace:jscript:Function_call 0118:trace:jscript:Array_splice 0118:trace:jscript:prop_get L"length" ret -1.000000
<live-loop in jscript code, churning 100% cpu> --- snip ---
I've attached a debugger to dump the callstack of the main thread which churns all the cpu:
--- snip --- jscript.Array_splice+444 jscript.NativeFunction_call+CE jscript.Function_call+BC jscript.invoke_prop_func+2ED jscript.invoke_prop_func+128 jscript.disp_call+264 jscript.exprval_call+6F jscript.interp_call_member+F9 jscript.exec_source+B82 jscript.JScriptParse_ParseScriptText+2C4 mshtml.parse_elem_text+AA mshtml.doc_insert_script+59 mshtml.run_insert_script+17C mshtml.nsRunnable_Run+15 ... --- snip ---
Using the strings in memory I found the executed jscript code on disk. A huge one-liner. I "beautified" it using
The relevant part, where it live-looped in 'jscript.Array_splice' without returning, called from function r().
--- snip --- function(e) {
function t(t) { for (var o, i, l = t[0], c = t[1], s = t[2], d = 0, b = []; d < l.length; d++) i = l[d],, i) && n[i] && b.push(n[i][0]), n[i] = 0; for (o in c), o) && (e[o] = c[o]); for (u && u(t); b.length;) b.shift()(); return a.push.apply(a, s || []), r() }
function r() { for (var e, t = 0; t < a.length; t++) { for (var r = a[t], o = !0, l = 1; l < r.length; l++) { var c = r[l]; 0 !== n[c] && (o = !1) } o && (a.splice(t--, 1), e = i(i.s = r[0])) } return e } var o = {}, n = { 4: 0 }, a = [];
function i(t) { if (o[t]) return o[t].exports; var r = o[t] = { i: t, l: !1, exports: {} }; return e[t].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, i), r.l = !0, r.exports } ... --- snip ---
I didn't debug further. It shouldn't be hard to figure out why the array splice doesn't return.
Using 'winetricks -q jscript' prevents the live-loop, only to run into next problems, mshtml insufficiencies.
BTW there are many Final Fantasy (XIV) bug reports in Wine Bugzilla that are out of date, invalid, fixed and dupes. Quite a mess. I have no energy / interest to go through all of them indivually. It will likely destroy a good mood for sure.
$ sha1sum ffxivsetup.exe 10601e45ccbcaec81c8d0fda720cb8afc5a1f01b ffxivsetup.exe
$ du -sh ffxivsetup.exe 27M ffxivsetup.exe
$ wine --version wine-6.0-250-gacd1b068a34