--- Comment #2 from Jiali Fang --- Hi,
My script code is:
Function Button_1_Click() msgbox "Button_1 is click" End Function
In my project, I did this: m_pScript->AddNamedItem("Button_1", SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE | SCRIPTITEM_ISSOURCE); m_pScriptParse->ParseScriptText() with above script code. m_pScript->SetScriptState(SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED);
If we use Microsoft's vbscript.dll, the scripting engine will connect to the click event of "Button_1" through the IConnectionPoint interface, and when we click "Button_1", it will execute above script and show a messbox.
But if we use Wine's vbscript.dll, the click event of "Button_1" is not connected the function of "Button_1_Click".