--- Comment #10 from --- Here's another wrinkle. I just had a user of my app report a problem that looks just like this. Checkbox and Radiobutton text does not appear. And that user is running Windows 7. It turns out that they have the "Windows Classic" theme enabled on their Windows 7 box, and in that mode Windows overwrites my control text just like WINE does with theming enabled.
So the crux of the problem seems to be with the fact that I:
1. Size the checkbox control as if it had the label as text, but give it a null text string. I size the controls as if they had text so that clicking on the manually drawn text will activate them.
2. Draw the label myself to the right of the checkbox glyph (so I can draw it in any color I wish). I do this in response to the WM_CTLCOLORBTN message (maybe that's a problem, but it worked, so I figured it was okay).
In Windows, with theming enabled, the null text does not overwrite my manually drawn text. But in Windows, with the 'classic' or 'high contrast' themes, it does. It seems to draw a blank background rectangle where the text would go - even though I returned NULL_BRUSH as the background brush I want used.
And WINE seems to do the same thing even with a theme enabled. So, WINE isn't working the same as Windows - but what I'm doing isn't quite kosher, I guess. Still, WINE tries to emulate Windows with all of it's quirks and bugs, right?