--- Comment #2 from KOLANICH ---
Are you talking about GetOpenFileNameA or CLSID_FileOpenDialog?
About GetOpenFileName. I haven't used any apps using CLSID_FileOpenDialog in wine, so I don't know if this issue touches that API.
Mind providing more information to each point, about what behavior you want? Because I don't fully understand it yet.
1 a) I copy a windows path of some folder b) I open "open" dialog of some application, for example Notepad++ c) I paste the path there d) I hit enter/click the "open" button. Wine writes an error. Windows opens that folder in the dialog.
2 I also expect this dialog to accept the absolute path in linux rootfs. a) I copy a rootfs path of some file b) I open "open" dialog of some application, for example Notepad++ c) I paste the path there d) I hit enter/click the "open" button. Wine writes an error, but IMHO it should convert open that path into windows one (and, optionally, just introduce direct support of sysfs paths) , because it's a big inconvenience to paste the path into a text editor and convert it manually.
3 a) I open an "open" dialog of some application, for example Notepad++ c) I paste the full pathname prefix there, for example "Z:" or "Z:\a". In windows a drop-down menu appers allowing me to select a file from the opened folder, filtered by the prefix I have typed. Assuming that there are an "a" folder and "aa.txt", "ab.txt" and "b.txt" files in Z, in the first case it should suggest them all, in the latter one the first three ones. In wine it doesn't.