--- Comment #19 from Gijs Vermeulen --- Still present with wine-8.12.
0024:fixme:d3dx:d3dx9_effect_compiler_init ID3DXEffectCompiler implementation is only a stub.
0024:fixme:d3dx:ID3DXEffectCompilerImpl_CompileShader iface 02D66600, function 04CF9180, target "vs_3_0", flags 0x520, shader 08C25C94, error_msgs 08C2502C, constant_table 00E0F7A0 stub! 0024:fixme:d3dx:ID3DXEffectCompilerImpl_CompileShader iface 02D66600, function 04CFEEE0, target "ps_3_0", flags 0x520, shader 08C25C94, error_msgs 08C2502C, constant_table 00E0F7A0 stub!
The UnderGarden:
0024:fixme:d3dx:ID3DXEffectCompilerImpl_CompileEffect iface 159F1C48, flags 0x1000, effect 0A8B3A1C, error_msgs 00000000 stub!