--- Comment #1 from Dan Kegel 2008-06-21 08:48:11 --- (For those trying to get on to the next bug:
Possible workaround is: winetricks dotnet20 though that might not download the right service pack level of .net.
You then run into the same problem again with VirtualEarth3D.msi, so download that by hand.
+relay,+msi shows that it aborts shortly after checking for a com object: 0037:Call advapi32.RegCreateKeyExW(80000000,100138e0 L"CLSID\{0DB074F0-617E-4EE9-912C-2965CF2AA5A4}\InprocServer32",00000000,00000000,00000000,000f023f,00000000,7de9685c,7de96860) ret=1000230d 0037:Ret advapi32.RegCreateKeyExW() retval=00000005 ret=1000230d ... err:msi:custom_get_thread_return Invalid Return Code 1015 err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFinalize" returned 1603
That UUID is associated with by quite a few web pages; that .cab file contains a setup.exe which seems to be for a virtual earth activeX component, but it terminates very quickly. No idea what any of that means.)