--- Comment #2 from --- Thanks m33x!
I'm now using Wine 2.10 devel. I followed my original instructions from a clean Wine (no ~/.wine folder) up to the end of 7 (creating a symlink), and then performed the following:
8. Copy over an initialized 1Password10.sqlite file 1. I created this by installing 1Password fresh into Windows 10, then closing it at the login screen. 9. wine reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000" 1. For more information, please see: 10. Using winetricks, install corefonts 1. Addresses the "System.Environment.FailFast" error described in e.g. 11. Run 1Password again: wine AgileBits.OnePassword.Desktop.exe 12. At this point, I see the login screen, and after logging in I run into