--- Comment #21 from Nikolay Sivov 2010-03-14 07:57:44 --- (In reply to comment #20)
Some tests:
Normal WCHAR : succeeds on XP r = IXMLDOMDocument_loadXML( doc, szComplete1, &b );
Invalid BSTR pointer : crashes on XP r = IXMLDOMDocument_loadXML( doc, 0x1, &b );
Invalid BSTR (Nikolay, is this what you meant?): fails on XP
WCHAR newstring[1024]; lstrcpyW(newstring + 2, szComplete1); *(DWORD*)newstring = 0xffff; r = IXMLDOMDocument_loadXML( doc, newstring, &b );
Almost, but you should pass newstring+2 to loadXML.