--- Comment #2 from Luke Bratch 2008-06-24 01:24:51 --- David, please post in Bugzilla, do not reply to wine-bugs. Emails read:
The Encore 4.5.5 demo download will behave the same in this case. I actually tried 4.5.5 in another installation with the same results (before WINE 1.0).
Virtual MIDI should work the same, and in fact, I have tried it with both: an external Roland box and the EMU ALSA device (that's working with native Linux apps on this computer now) that's specified in the WINE configuration. (When in Windows, whenever a suitable external device was not connected, I used the Roland Virtual Soundcanvas--better patches, IMO, than EMU, but either should work as Encore only cares what the OS sees)
Is this sufficient?
Thanks for the help,
"Sorry, Dan, I didn't carefully read the issue. I had thought this was the "sound" issue--and it said "note entry" right up front!
Note entry using a MIDI keyboard. Yes, needs some sort of unit. I may have a spare lil cheezy keyboard still laying around (if I can find a compatible power supply for it) that my dad gave up on using and pawned off on me. My other controllers are just too... connected for any sort of extended vacation from my work/playspace.
Hmmm... this could be expensive, if I can't find a compatible power supply and donate the lil input-only controller. Needs a midi cable, too, of course (and the lil midi-to-game port cables are getting hard to find, too).
Note entry by mouse works under WINE, but _playing_ things in is one of the chief usability points of decent transcription/notation software.