--- Comment #16 from Esme Povirk --- A few methods referenced by the application in Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.Support are still missing: FontChangeBold, FontChangeName, FontChangeItalic, FontChangeUnderline, FontChangeSize GetItemString PixelsToTwipsX, PixelsToTwipsY, TwipsToPixelsX, TwipsToPixelsY
I haven't found the part of the application that tries to use these (and would thus crash on the missing methods). I can't test very well because I don't understand what the application does.
There's also an exception that comes up when hovering over toolbar items, with a System.Drawing error, possibly an issue with tooltips?
Anyway, is there someone who still cares about this application and can test further fixes? If not, I think I've reached the end of my motivation to work on it.