--- Comment #33 from Sergey Kvachonok 2010-08-01 03:57:20 --- (In reply to comment #31)
(In reply to comment #29)
Seriously, ASCII '.' = 0x2E, ASCII '_' = 0x5F. Is it that hard to figure out?
Feel free to file a bug at
Please stop blaming unicode people for this. There is more than one way to sort character strings, so the whole point of theoretical correctness of the current approach is useless.
For example:
In the POSIX locale, strcasecmp() and strncasecmp() shall behave as if the strings had been converted to lowercase and then a byte comparison performed. The results are unspecified in other locales.
Sane, stable and sufficiently specified.
Unfortunately, windows takes some other (third) approach to this, as I found here:
Furthermore, it is clearly stated that unicode collation rules are language and locale dependent:
I believe wine as a windows _emulator_ should have exactly the same behavior as winapi, right or not. Given that locale-specific customizations are unavoidable, windows-style collation tables must be at least an option, if not default.