--- Comment #19 from 2009-08-20 18:46:57 --- I've been trying to see if I can find my way around wine-gecko, but it's not easy and I haven't been able to make it compile either. From what I can gather the action resolution is in:
There's a function:
nsresult nsHTMLFormElement::SubmitSubmission(nsIFormSubmission* aFormSubmission) { nsresult rv; // // Get the action and target // nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> actionURI; rv = GetActionURL(getter_AddRefs(actionURI)); NS_ENSURE_SUBMIT_SUCCESS(rv);
if (!actionURI) { mIsSubmitting = PR_FALSE; return NS_OK; }
[Rest of submission process, calling nsIFormSubmission->SubmitTo] }
Now, GetActionURL (in same file) is a bit complicated to understand from a code reading. but anyone that gets this to compile should be able to trivially find out what's going on, I imagine this returns blank where it should return index.html. Would be nice since the actual list of games affected is more like:
Sam & Max season 1 (6 eps) Sam & Max season 2 (5 eps) Strong Bad season 1 (5 eps) Wallace & Gromit (4 eps) Tales of Monkey Island (2 eps, 3 not yet released)